Showing English r###lts only. Show r###lts for all languages.
Display additional information in VK profileJS-Display profile ID, registration date, last profile edit and last seen in VK user profile
Cobalt Tools Video DownloaderJS-Adds a context menu item that downloads the current page's video.
VK Blur RemoverJS-Removes blur, overlays, and auto-play restrictions on VK videos, while preserving thumbnails.
vk music downloaderJS-Очень простой скрипт, добавляющий ссылки для скачивания к аудиозаписям на Если ссылки не появились автоматически, используйте горячую клавишу F9.
Registration date in VKJS-Registration date in VK profile
VK Infinite Scroll CleanerJS-Clear old part of posts after loading new one. Helps with memory problems on low spec PCs.
mamba.** button controlJS-Button control for basic function, such as: Open next - press 0, Like person - press 1, Dislike(skip) - press 2.
VK Ads FixesJS-Script for blocking ads in VK (VKontakte), bypassing blocking detection, etc.
Download Media with Cobalt APIJS-Adds a context menu item to download media from supported video sites using a direct URL.
Vkontakte chat translatorJS-Automatic translation of incoming and outgoing messages on the site VKontakte. Translation service - Google Translate.
Pone (Doge)JS-Первоапрельское обновление VK 2014 года, переделанное под My Little Pony
VkHiderJS-saves your mind from bullshit by hiding posts and comments from selected people. To start just put needed id`s in names array
Prankota4PranksJS-Скрывает из сообщества пранкоты всякую рекламу
vk.comJS-Layout Design - bigger video and thumbs and Info on precent video and some navigation
VK: Friends w/o HistoryJS-Adds "Without History" filter to Friends page. Handy, if you have lots of friends and you want to *spam* only those, who don't have chat history with you yet.
VK J/KJS-Adds scrolling with J/K
VK Video FixJS-Makes “My Videos” link really leads to own videos
vk-chat-shortcutsJS-Allows to change active chats with Ctrl+(1-5) (only 5 last of them)
Remove ad posts from VK.comJS-removes ad posts from feed and walls by keywords
Smug anime faces for vk.comJS-Заменяет [smug anime face] в сообщениях ВК на случайную smug anime face.
VK posts filterJS-Hide ad and political posts from in desktop and mobile versions. High Speed.
VK-friends-parserJS-Parsing "vk-friends" page
Block reklama vk.comJS-Blokiruet reklamnuyi block na
VK: Friend Requests Bulk OperationsJS-Manage your friend requests. Add all friends or cancel all subscriptions with just one button click. Very handy if you are a public person or a YouTube star with VK account for publicity, like my wife :3
AntiFeedJS-Перенаправление на свою страницу и замена ссылки на кнопке ВК.
VKNoSponsoredFeedJS-Remove sponsored posts from desktop feed
VK right menuJS-Move VK menu to right
VK Post NotesJS-Add the ability to add notes to any post + add categories to post + hide posts\categories
Vk Background (Custom)JS-Custom buckground
VK wall title textJS-VK wall content text in tab title.
VK slapsJS-It slaps everyone who are online on by typing '@here' or '*here' and press Ctrl button. It slaps everyone who are online, without who are on mobile now, on by typing '@herem' or '*herem' and press Ctrl button.
VK Ads BusterJS-Скрипт для удаления рекламы ВКонтакте Force RetinaJS-Скрипт заставляет считать что у вас Retina дисплей. Увеличивает разрешение стикеров и предпросмотров фотографий, лечит мыло если у вас HiDPI дисплей.
FriendsInAppJS-adds a button "friends in the game"
VK change accountsJS-try to take over the world!
MathJax for VKontakteJS-Displays formulas using MathJax in VK messages Like By Press 1, Dislike Press - 2JS-Automate click like(1)/dislike(2) button for any 1st post on the page. Like By Press 1JS-Automate click like button for any person on the dating page - press 1, dislike(skip) - press 2.
Remove PuhlanJS-Чистит чат от мусора
VK link fixierJS-This script removes '' links redirects
VK: Hide TypingJS-look @name
VK Audio IntegrationJS-Integrates audio player with MediaSession API
VK Image View HotkeyJS-View the full image by pressing D.
vk.com_del_redirJS-Deletes url redirects
Fake Admin VKJS-Extension for VK giving Fake Admin
Local Vk DownloaderJS-Get Vk raw link without external service.
VK and Make the 'Go up' clickable area narrowerJS-Makes the clickable area of the 'Go up' feature on the left side of pages on VK and narrower (fitting the width of the highlighted section) rather than covering the entire left half of the page. It can be very annoying when you accidentally click anywhere to the left of page content and are suddenly taken to the top of the page.
VK: Check OnlineJS-Checks the last online on page user and in dialog
hide comments on VK.comJS-Specially for N.
Remove VK Connect bannerJS-removes VK Connect banner (doesn't freeze page, doesn't block other popups)
Ditch "Messenger" in VKJS-Some meme for meme
Voice VKJS-Script for viewing the text of voice messages on VK.COM
VK Messanger removerJS-Changes name of "Messanger" section back
Music tab to MORGENSHTERN renameJS-Changes name of "Music" section to MORGENSHTERN
VK no reactionsJS-Removes reactions from
VK Dark ThemeJS-Dark Theme for
AudioRedirects####erJS-#### redirects when u click on audio name Without Limit v.2.0CSS-Bypass the need to login to use
VK Auto blurJS-05.06.2022, 15:49:51
Display addinformation in VKprofile (Alina)JS-Display profile ID, registration date, last profile edit and last seen in VK user profile
VK Comments LinkJS-Add a link to comments on the Vk search
VK Playback RateJS-Adds music playback speed controls to bottom left corner of the page). A double-click on the slider returns the original speed value.
vk-feed-acceleratorJS-Accelerates long feed pages by removing seen posts.
VK IM reposts filterJS-Searches for reposts or just a picture messages in VK Messenger. Just open a chat and click "Find reposts"!
Direct LinkJS-Replace the redirect links with direct links
Sticker SizeJS-01.09.2023, 19:52:16
Remove VK phone confirmation popupJS-Kak je ya vas nenaviju dermoedi
xVKTTJS-Removing Ads, additional information about the page and many other improvements!
vk voice message downloadJS-Allows you to download voice messages!
Replace VK Logo SVGJS-Replace VK logo SVG on with a new SVG
VK autoplay musicJS-Autoplay music on
SubtitleEase: One-Click Video Subtitle DownloaderJS-Easily download subtitles from various video platforms with one click
VK Ads FixesJS-Script for blocking ads in VK (VKontakte), bypassing blocking detection, etc.
VK Image Blur for Specific UsersJS-Blurs images from specific users in VK conversations and removes blur on hover
VK Garland RemoverJS-Automatically removes garland decorations from
VK_friendsJS-The script adds 10,000 vkontakte friends quickly