There are libraries posted by Greasy Fork users that you can @require
in your scripts. For other kinds of libraries you can @require
, read Greasy Fork's policy on @require
Toastnew JS (Library) - Toast1
Void Console JS (Library) - Press Right Shift to close/open the menu.
FileSaver JS (Library) - 自用
jszip1 JS (Library) - 自用
sweetalert2 JS (Library) - sweetalert
信息查看器 JS (Library) - logview2信息查看器
video JS (Library) - video list
setupCommands JS (Library) - Library that creates regular, toggle, and radio menu commands for userscript managers
waitForKeyElements_mirror JS (Library) - Another mirror of waitForKeyElements
Hacktimer JS (Library) - HackTimer by Turuslan, uploaded by Azti for 7Placer.
库4 JS (Library) - 库4、
Error Mod JS (Library) - ~
QRCodeJS JS (Library) - 二维码生成库
mooapi JS (Library) - just a test
SPB | Forum Curators Script JS (Library) - Скрипт для Кураторов Форума SPB! Частое обновление! По вопросам писать в ВК
wme-wazevn-traffic-cams-list JS (Library) - List of traffic cams in VietNam. To be used with WME WazeVN script.
DxmCrawl JS (Library) - 2024/6/5 10:03:47
AO3Boxicons JS (Library) - Reusable library that initialized the boxicons css and serves functions to turn stats and menus into icons
JLCMD5TK JS (Library) - md5tk
helpers JS (Library) - Helpers library for AniList Edit Multiple Media Simultaneously
components JS (Library) - Components library for AniList Edit Multiple Media Simultaneously
shdjxy JS (Library) - storehouse
hnrcscExam JS (Library) - storehouse
2.18-样品补送 JS (Library) - 样品补送
shkf JS (Library) - storehouse
DFDJLAdjfldjgdfsdf JS (Library) - try to help you for your report
QuickMenu JS (Library) - 油猴菜单库,支持开关菜单,支持状态保持,支持 Iframe
hnzxxjsfzw JS (Library) - storehouse
util库 JS (Library) - 描述
zenyBoost JS (Library) - 个人辅助
SlashJs JS (Library) - No need for javascript with this library. Use commands inside of elements such as /time, /animate, and more!
add-download-btn JS (Library) - add "DOWNLOAD" button to image
wuming1679a JS (Library) - 函数
zyscjj JS (Library) - storehouse
ObjectSyntax_min JS (Library) - Library for simplifying code logic and syntax (Object Type)
Element-Plus JS (Library) - 修改UMD注册的方式为直接var定义
123456789665258 JS (Library) - 123456789665258我
bianos websocket blabal JS (Library) - i just added to normal 1.8.0 bundle
zzxonline JS (Library) - storehouse
jquery-3.5.1 JS (Library) - jquery
xxtea-js JS (Library) - xxtea
XHR_INTERCEPTOR JS (Library) - XHR请求拦截工具类
gm-inject JS (Library) - Inject scripts into the web pages.
Master File Random AM Button Clicker JS (Library) - Clicks a button at random intervals
master file of Random Button Clicker JS (Library) - Clicks a button at random intervals
menu style aa JS (Library) - menu for me
msgpackasdw JS (Library) - msgpack backup
TKBaseSDK JS (Library) - 一些通用方法基础组件库
CoverUMD JS (Library) - 定义一个局部的exports、define、module,一般放在库的前面引用
Growing cancer vaccin JS (Library) - The main function is to verify the correctness of the report, only to provide suggestions
xlsx.js JS (Library) - 修改版0.17.1版本
dont-touch-my-apikey-config JS (Library) - configure apiKey for all script
此脚本已停止使用 MT Convert to Local Time JS (Library) - 此脚本已停止使用 Override JavaScript's Date object to always use Beijing time (UTC+8), and convert all date and time values on a webpage from Beijing Time (GMT+8) to your local time zone.
zyyjxjy JS (Library) - storehouse
DFDJLAdjfldjg JS (Library) - you can use it for your report
xbt-title JS (Library) - null
def JS (Library) - -opis-
Erweiterung (download button) für das gesehende videos ausblenden oder makieren JS (Library) - Diese erweiterung erstellt einen Download Button um direkt Videos von youtube zu laden,
网易接口加密库 JS (Library) - 一个用于网页接口加密的库
UnaTools JS (Library) - 自用公用脚本
Furaffinity-Submission-Image-Viewer JS (Library) - Library for creating custom image elements on Furaffinity
copy_text.js JS (Library) - 复制文字内容到剪切板
脚本猫UI库 JS (Library) - 脚本猫UI库依赖
pause-videos-when-not-visible JS (Library) - play/pause videos
google-search-supported-domains JS (Library) - Exposes the list of Google Search’s supported domains as the constant “SUPPORTED_DOMAINS”.
Bread-setch JS (Library) - simple hack for seterra. colours the correct country/location in slightly darker white, then white when clicked.
qhts JS (Library) - storehouse
BNBFREE LIB JS (Library) - BNB reference values for shared scripts library
ttppack JS (Library) - newest version
Removedor Div Modal JS (Library) - Userscript para remoção de elemento
pURLfy JS (Library) - The ultimate URL purifier
whkjdxjxjy JS (Library) - storehouse
baseStyles JS (Library) - 常用的基础 CSS
IdlePixel+ Plugin Paneller JS (Library) - Library which creates a modal for opening plugin panels.
libs JS (Library) - JavaScript 库函数,以便调用
gjdtwlxy JS (Library) - storehouse
Copy Text and HTML to Clipboard JS (Library) - library to copy plain and html MIME types to the clipboard
Light or Dark JS (Library) - library to determine if the color parameter is a 'light' or a 'dark' color
Snake Game JS (Library) - Play Snake on any webpage by pressing 'S'
tampermonkey storage proxy JS (Library) - none
hywjxyyjy JS (Library) - storehouse
无剑Mud辅助代碼 JS (Library) - 无剑Mud辅助,由在线版移植而来,順便《略改》
ld_sh JS (Library) - 黑白名单
陆服无剑Mud数据库 JS (Library) - 无剑Mud辅修(数据)
* Common: IndexedDB JS (Library) - Stellt Funktionen zum Speichern und Abrufen von Daten in der IndexedDB bereit
Pixel Combat+ JS (Library) - Makes it easier to create new custom enemies for Idle Pixel
台服無劍Mud數據庫 JS (Library) - 無劍Mud輔修(數據)
FCAutoDropRequst JS (Library) - fc auto drop request.
FCAutoClaimDropLayout JS (Library) - FC Auto Claim Drop Layout.
element-SVG2078 JS (Library) - SVG for Index
element-footer2078 JS (Library) - footer
element-home2078 JS (Library) - home
element-navbar2078 JS (Library) - Navigation Bar
vue JS (Library) - vue v3.4.21
html2078 JS (Library) - Html
navbar2078 JS (Library) - Navigation Bar behavior
scroll2078 JS (Library) - navigation bar behavior based on scroll bar
scale2078 JS (Library) - Scale you paye by the width