AutoTool_DownloadASMR JS - XLXZ's 自动下载ASMRGAY中的压缩包的小工具,未来可能会增加更多功能
smartcourse hust edu tool JS - 自动翻页
Block Bilibili's marketing videos and promotional videos JS - Block some video cards recommended on the homepage of Bilibili. The rules are to block those from creators with a certain number of small fans, block live streams and right-hand promotion, and block those with advertising tags.
动画疯自动同意年龄确认,移除广告跳转,广告静音,自动点击跳过广告 JS - 能够动画疯自动同意年龄确认,移除广告跳转,广告静音,自动点击跳过广告……安装即可,自动执行
Better Iwara JS - An alternate style for Iwara, made by XLXZ