Discussions»Demandes de création de scripts
T411, trop d'espace perdu inutilisé
// ==UserScript==// @name T411 expand titles// @match https://www.t411.li/torrents/search/*// ==/UserScript==[].forEach.call(document.querySelectorAll('.r###lts td > a[title]'), function(a) {if (a.textContent.indexOf(a.title) !== 0) {a.childNodes[0].nodeValue = a.title + ' ';}});
Advanced version without delay:
// ==UserScript==// @name T411 expand titles// @match https://www.t411.li/torrents/search/*// @run-at document-start// @require https://greasyfork.org/scripts/12228/code/setMutationHandler.js// ==/UserScript==setMutationHandler(document,'.r###lts td > a[title]',nodes => {nodes.filter(a => a.textContent.indexOf(a.title) !== 0).forEach(a => a.childNodes[0].nodeValue = a.title + ' ');});
Could you compile everything in a script ready to click for those who do not know how to install the script ?
I have misunderstood
I wanted to lengthen the maximum number of characters visible
Updated the code above.
Sorry, I'm too bad in script
But I just count, there is a cap in the number of characters visible
This ceiling is 50
In fact, it is this ceiling that must be blown up to go through ex to 75 or 100 characters
The userscript above removes the cap entirely.
This does not seem to work on all pages
See not working as I wish any short
In the page (among others)
Currently, the titles are shortened
These are blocked at 50 characters (to be checked) even if they do more
Is it possible to lift this restriction or to be able to choose the restriction you want?
thank you
T411, trop d'espace perdu inutilisé
je dispose d'un écran FHD
celui me permets d'avoir des cellules plus large
mais sur le site T411, celle ci sont encore étroite
serait il possible d'avoir un script qui permet d'avoir les nom plus large ou à largeyr variable ( via un chiffre )