and Inserts a direct download link on several one-click-hosters and some container/folder providers.
< Commentaires sur Multi-OCH Helper
Thank for the report.I will investigate this(but I currently don't use and I don't have a premium membership, so I might not be able to fix it)
I uploaded a new version, you can update it and try.
I found that now needs an API key to work. If you're logged in, the script should automatically fetch the API key from You can check in the script menu (hover over the purple premiumize script button) that the api key is set or set it by hand.
(I couldn't test if it actually works to download something.)
I'm still getting an error. API is added to the settings menu but I still getting an error. I've asked for a trial key so hopefully will send me one and i'll message it to you so you can do some testing. Cheers.
Here you go... Trail Code key: jaf8u6rypki3a6yhaue3
How to redeem: Signup and head to and redeem on the top right
Not sure how long it lasts, think it's 24 or 48 Hrs. I'm sure it will be long enough going off the speed of your last update :)
Thank you I redeemed it, it said 3 days :)
I will check what's wrong, I do get an error as well now
I uploaded a new version. I only did a little testing, but everything seems to work again.
Excellent. Seems to be all good now. Thanks.
Invalid token
Why do I continually get invalid token? I'm logged in to so all should be good right?