Google Hit Hider by Domain (Search Filter / Block Sites)

Block unwanted sites from your Google, DuckDuckGo,, Bing and Yahoo search r###lts. v2.3.5 2025-03-21

< Commentaires sur Google Hit Hider by Domain (Search Filter / Block Sites)

Avis: OK - le script fonctionne, mais souffre de quelques problèmes

Posté le: 22/02/2021
Édité le: 22/02/2021

Works but the blocking on Duckduckgo is imperfect: if I block or perma-ban a website with several "subpages" in the r###lt, it will only block the "header." What I say is not very clear... I attach an image where I blocked foxnews but we still see r###lts from foxnews, only the "main" r###lt is hidden. We still see these subpages "Politics", "U.S.", "World", etc. (There is also this "Recent News" but that's not what I'm primarily talking about.)

Firefox 83.0 (maybe I should update)
OS Linux
Tampermonkey 4.11.6120
Google Hit Hider by Domain (Search Filter / Block Sites) 2.1.9

Posté le: 22/02/2021

Hmm, yes, I'll need to add new code for that. Meanwhile, as a nearly full workaround, you could add a custom style rule on the Options tab of the Manage Hiding dialog.

Scroll to the bottom and click "Edit Custom Style Rules". That should display a form along the bottom. Paste this rule at the end of whatever you have:

.r###lts_links_deep[blocknotice] + .r###lts__sitelink--organics, .ghhdnone + .r###lts__sitelink--organics {display:none;}

and then click Save, and then click Close. That should take effect immediately.

I noticed a bug: when you completely unblock a site, its site links won't reappear until you reload the page. I'll need a little time to work out what is going on there before rolling out an update.

.r###lts_links_deep[blocknotice] + .r###lts__sitelink--organics, .ghhdnone + .r###lts__sitelink--organics {display:none;}

This was working for me in the past, but not anymore. I don't know when it happened, but it seems my block list is gone (though that rule still exists). For example, I blocked and entered that rule to hide the sub links. It worked a few months ago when I first did it. Today I had to reblock, but I can still see the sub links. I'm using duckduckgo in Microsoft Edge Version 90.0.818.62 (Official build).

Posté le: 28/05/2021

I don't know why this changed, but the "s" moved from r###lts to sitelink. Why? Probably safest to keep the old ones, too:

.r###lts_links_deep[blocknotice] + .r###lts__sitelink--organics, .ghhdnone + .r###lts__sitelink--organics, .r###lts_links_deep[blocknotice] + .r###lt__sitelinks--organics, .ghhdnone + .r###lt__sitelinks--organics {display:none;}

I don't know why this changed, but the "s" moved from r###lts to sitelink. Why? Probably safest to keep the old ones, too:

.r###lts_links_deep[blocknotice] + .r###lts__sitelink--organics, .ghhdnone + .r###lts__sitelink--organics, .r###lts_links_deep[blocknotice] + .r###lt__sitelinks--organics, .ghhdnone + .r###lt__sitelinks--organics {display:none;}

Thank you for the update, this worked for me!

Posté le: 01/06/2021

I added this code to version 2.2.0.

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