
Picviewer CE+

Powerful picture viewing tool online, which can popup/scale/rotate/batch save pictures automatically

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Where can I find the settings to change the keyboard shortcuts through TamperMonkey? Clicked settings but couldn't find anything.

Posté le: 16/05/2023

Click settings under command menu of userscript, not the setting of TamperMonkey.
Find position here:
Toolbar - Global keys for preview
Toolbar - Enable shortcuts

Click settings under command menu of userscript, not the setting of TamperMonkey.
Find position here:
Toolbar - Global keys for preview
Toolbar - Enable shortcuts

sorry can you let me know where exactly? I clicked settings but there's no toolbar to see global keys: https://i.imgur.com/JZ8A26R.png

Posté le: 16/05/2023

No, not there. Take a look at the toolbar of your browser, find the icon of TamperMonkey, click the icon. Now you can see the command menu.

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