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RSS+ : Afficher tous les flux RSS du site

Montre tous les flux RSS du site (s'il y en a)

< Commentaires sur RSS+ : Afficher tous les flux RSS du site

Avis: Bon - le script fonctionne correctement

I tried using a new Firefox profile using this method https://cat-in-136.github.io/2012/12/tip-how-to-run-new-firefox-instance-w.html Using Firefox 101.0 release on Windows 10 21H1 No sites works, even the one in your examples: https://imouto.kawaii.su/6L81dAMB.mp4

Posté le: 04/07/2022

I tried to fix this problem. Do you try it?

Seems working now. Tried on Firefox on Android 101.2 and it seemed to work normally now.

Posté le: 05/07/2022

Seems working now. Tried on Firefox on Android 101.2 and it seemed to work normally now.


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