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Twitter Block With Love

Bloque ou mute tous les utilisateurs de Twitter qui aiment ou repostent un post spécifique (Tweet), avec amour.

< Commentaires sur Twitter Block With Love

Question / commentaire

Posté le: 16/08/2020

Bug report: No 'block all' button on the page of 'Liked by'

Posté le: 16/08/2020

To help improve the userscript, would you please inform me of your operating system, browser, and userscript manager?

Posté le: 16/08/2020

Ok, maybe the information helpful:

operationg system: Win 10 home
browser: Chrome 84.0.4147.125
userscript manager:tampermonkey

Posté le: 16/08/2020

Working fine on my device under the same environment. Are there any error messages on the console?

P.S. To open the console of a page, press F12, and then click the "console" tag on the top panel.

Posté le: 16/08/2020

Yes,there is erro message,plase see the attached

Posté le: 16/08/2020
Édité le: 16/08/2020

Maybe it's a network problem.
Check if you can access https://code.jquery.com/jquery-3.4.1.min.js. If not, the problem is caused by your network environment. Consider using a proxy accessing jquery.com or change the url at line 13 to an accessible CDN.

Posté le: 16/08/2020

Problem solved. It is caused by my network setting. Thank you!

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