
Disney+ Audio Downloader

Télécharger l'audio de Disney+

< Commentaires sur Disney+ Audio Downloader

Avis: Bon - le script fonctionne correctement

D+ changed their language selection menu - what used to be "Japanese" became "日本語" and so on and now you can't download any track which name contains non-Unicode characters. This affects both audio and subtitles scripts.

Posté le: 22/06/2022

D+ changed their language selection menu - what used to be "Japanese" became "日本語" and so on and now you can't download any track which name contains non-Unicode characters. This affects both audio and subtitles scripts.

I just found the solution, you just have to turn on the translate feature on your browser so it will translated to romaji letter, and it will work again

Posté le: 22/06/2022

Fixed in latest version, thank you for reporting it.

Fixed in latest version, thank you for reporting it.

Thanks for the quick fix, mate! Much appreciated!

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