
Tabview Youtube

Transformez les commentaires et les listes en onglets pour les vidéos YouTube

< Commentaires sur Tabview Youtube

Avis: OK - le script fonctionne, mais souffre de quelques problèmes

script works well, i can comment, like and heart comments. sometimes it's displaying incorrect due to script load order. a reload (refresh) will fix, but this can be annoying.

hi, same as here but for me the info tab will display the previous video description of the video if im opening the new video in the same tab.
only the bug in description. comment and suggest video tab display correctly according to current video.
refreshing the page fix the bug.
but the bug dont occur if im opening said video on new tab.

browser : waterfox G6.0.19

This is a known bug and I think I cannot fix in this script.

The new version fixed this issue, but that provides less features and does not support waterfox (maybe, you have to try)


i got this r###lt currently.
and im using with YouTube live borderless stylus

i got this r###lt currently.
and im using with YouTube live borderless stylus

the description bug fix with the new script btw, forgot to mention.

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