
IMDb - stop scripts

Prevent unnecessary scripts from loading

< Commentaires sur IMDb - stop scripts

Avis: OK - le script fonctionne, mais souffre de quelques problèmes

Deleted user 1377228
Posté le: 06/10/2024

Has the message not been delivered?Which lines in ublock origin and violentmonkey should be deleted to make all functions in the sections work?titl typreles datgenraboult titles50 moron the advanced title search pagejust show 2 code tests with deleted lines

Posté le: 24/10/2024

IMDb has regrouped its javascript libraries. I don't think that it's possible to enable these function without allowing all its scripts.

Deleted user 1377228
Posté le: 28/10/2024

IMDb has regrouped its javascript libraries. I don't think that it's possible to enable these function without allowing all its scripts.IMDb перегруппировал свои библиотеки JavaScript. Я не думаю, что можно включить эту функцию, не разрешив все ее сценарии.IMDb перегруппировал свои библиотеки JavaScript. Я не думаю, что можно включить эту функцию, не разрешив все ее сценарии.

each line in the code responds to the imdb function which ones?

Posté le: 06/11/2024

I don't know. Probably all js is needed now.
Initially, when I wrote the userscript I tested to see which filters where necessary for the page basics to work. And block any script that was taking time to load and initialize.
Since then, imdb has had a phase where it grouped those scripts in bigger files, and apparently now there are again many files.
With imdb newer version of the pages, which rely more and more on javascript to display even the minimal thing to the screen, it'll become a problem to block javascript.

Deleted user 1377228
Posté le: 07/11/2024

what a problem

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