Rediriger les plateformes de médias sociaux vers leurs pages d'accueil respectueuses de la vie privée
< Commentaires sur Redirecteur de confidentialité
Reddit is planning to offer its API at an extremely high price in the near future, so I'm not very hopeful about Reddit's future with this script, but I'll add it. Thanks for the feedback.
And also yes, I'll fix the IMDb redirections ASAP.
Indeed reddit banned free api use, but alternatives emerged such as and that I edit your script to work with.
Now, I wonder if youtube embeds can be whitelisted from redirection
Thank you for the freetube fix. However web sites with youtube embeds show as bad getaway. If there's a way to blacklist embeds or a workaround would be perfect.
Thank you for the freetube fix. However web sites with youtube embeds show as bad getaway. If there's a way to blacklist embeds or a workaround would be perfect.
I'll look into both of them when I have time, thank you for reporting
maybe add as reddit redirect
imdb redirect doesn't seem to be working