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adLBypasser [v1.6] || Ouo.Io, Uii.Io, Exe.Io, Bc.Vc, Adf.Ly & More ✔ PAS DE PUBS

Script de bypass de liaison de publicité rapide

< Commentaires sur adLBypasser [v1.6] || Ouo.Io, Uii.Io, Exe.Io, Bc.Vc, Adf.Ly & More ✔ PAS DE PUBS

Avis: OK - le script fonctionne, mais souffre de quelques problèmes

Posté le: 12/12/2024

The reCAPTCHA auto-clicking makes some sites downright unusable as it automatically scrolls to the captcha and makes you do the puzzle, unable to click away. I think this reCAPTCHA feature should be entirely removed from this script, it is out of place in my eyes.

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