
🏆 [#1 Chess Assistant] A.C.A.S (Système Avancé d'Assistance aux Échecs)

Améliorez vos performances aux échecs avec une analyse de mouvement en temps réel de pointe et un système d'assistance stratégique

< Commentaires sur 🏆 [#1 Chess Assistant] A.C.A.S (Système Avancé d'Assistance aux Échecs)

Avis: Bon - le script fonctionne correctement

With the right setup the script and the site work every well.
I'm using it on Firefox with Violentmonkey without any issues on chess com and lichess.
I know how to play like a human, analyze computers move to decide if it is a move I would make.
Playing with the assistant helped me to understand how to play better and I've improved my skill rating on my main account without Engine to 1500, while I play alt accounts with ACAS in 2000 ELO.

Posté le: 06/09/2024

Playing with the assistant helped me to understand how to play better and I've improved my skill rating

This is the correct way to use my tool, thanks! Happy to hear you've improved as a player.

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