Add custom tags or notes to links such as users, posts and videos. For example, tags can be added to users or posts on a forum, making it easy to identify them or block their posts and replies. It works on X (Twitter), Reddit, Facebook, Threads, Instagram, Youtube, TikTok, GitHub, Greasy Fork, Hacker News, pixiv and numerous other websites.
< Commentaires sur 🏷️ UTags - Add usertags to links
Do you want this special tag to appear only when a user specifically chooses to add it, or should it appear on all links that have any tags added?
Could you please provide a detailed description of the main application scenarios for this functionality?
If you'd like to see the date of the last tag modification done on its link, we'll display that on the UTags list page.
Do you want this special tag to appear only when a user specifically chooses to add it
but it can have a setting for each site to have it globally (maybe...i am not certain if it's not to much and distracting)
If you'd like to see the date of the last tag modification done on its link, we'll display that on the UTags list page
Yes, i know, but have it on pages should be practical.
Note: Can you format the date in a shorter manner (i don't need the GMT stuff)
a detailed description of the main application scenarios for this functionality?
In Flickr i follow some users and return regularly on their photostream to see if new shots are posted.
And i see if i want invit them in mu Groups i admin.
I do that from time to time and it should be great if i can have a date indicator for the last time i deeply travel in their work...
If it was done a longtime ago, i can do more search in their stream.
If it was short time, i prefer just invit some shots quickly just to maintain the interest.
Maybe it should be better to have a special an unified style for these type of Tags which have some particular functions:
block, hide, ignore, clickbait, promotion.
And maybe place them outside the Pined Tags list (Under all Tags list in the Add tags Modal - on all the width of the modal?)
In Flickr i follow some users and return regularly on their photostream to see if new shots are posted.
And i see if i want invit them in mu Groups i admin.I do that from time to time and it should be great if i can have a date indicator for the last time i deeply travel in their work...
If it was done a longtime ago, i can do more search in their stream.
If it was short time, i prefer just invit some shots quickly just to maintain the interest.
A user previously had a similar request, wanting to add date tags to links and apply special styling to them. It's precisely because of this need that the custom styling feature was developed.
I think it would be beneficial to add a feature where users can quickly add a tag with the current date or date and time by clicking a button. The date format should also be customizable. This approach of adding date tags might be more practical than simply displaying the last modification time. For example, I might want to add new tags without modifying the previously recorded date.
Maybe it should be better to have a special an unified style for these type of Tags which have some particular functions:
block, hide, ignore, clickbait, promotion.
I'd prefer users to have complete freedom in designing their tag styles. UTags would only provide the most basic tag display, allowing users to create their preferred styles through custom styling.
Later on, I will provide something similar to UserStyles as a reference for user styles, allowing them to apply different styles to different tags.
Then, users can create and share their own UTags UserStyles with the community based on this approach.
Furthermore, users now have the ability to define their own tags which have some particular functions.
For example, by adding the following custom styles, users can define a 'troll' tag with a semi-transparent display effect and a 'read later' tag with a gradient background effect.
[data-utags_list_node*=",troll,"] {
opacity: 10%;
[data-utags_list_node*=",read later,"] {
background-image: linear-gradient(to right, #ffffff00, #fef2f2) !important;
And maybe place them outside the Pined Tags list (Under all Tags list in the Add tags Modal - on all the width of the modal?)
For me, these tags with special functionalities are used very frequently, and I'm accustomed to quickly finding and using them with the keyboard arrow keys. Their current placement is very convenient.
I can reach the pinned tags with a single press of the down arrow key, and then the most used tags with a press of the right arrow key.
Therefore, I have no plans to change this layout for now, unless a better solution arises.
add a feature where users can quickly add a tag with the current date or date and time by clicking a button. The date format should also be customizable
That's could be a good idea too.
But i thinking on a date visible in a little tooltip when hover a small "Utag Date" icon:
It take a tiny place and that's less distracting.
For me, these tags with special functionalities are used very frequently
I understand.
But For me, i don't use them actually.
In an other hand, i use a lot the pined area.
Having the special Tags docked should be suffisent for me:
if need some of them more often, i can move them in the Pined area.
In my sens, Pined area is for our most used Tags (Functional or not).
But, that's my 2 cents idea:
I can live with the actual disposition.
I'd prefer users to have complete freedom in designing their tag styles
That's good, but make a difference with Functional Tags and the other should help to find them quickly and understand their specificity.
By example 🏷️Block.
or always a special Icon before its function.
User can modify color background / font size and border but we know that these Tags have specials functions.
But i thinking on a date visible in a little tooltip when hover a small "Utag Date" icon:
It take a tiny place and that's less distracting.
I think we can achieve this effect: displaying the date tag as a 📅 icon, and showing the full date in a tooltip when the mouse hovers over it.
The note feature can be displayed in a similar way: when the mouse hovers over the 📒 icon, the full note content is shown.
But For me, i don't use them actually.
In an other hand, i use a lot the pined area.
Having the special Tags docked should be suffisent for me:
if need some of them more often, i can move them in the Pined area.In my sens, Pined area is for our most used Tags (Functional or not).
Currently, you can place your most frequently used tags at the beginning of the pinned tag list, and either remove the functional tags or place them at the end of the list. Please note that even if you remove the functional tags from the pinned tag list, you can still use them via keyboard input.
That's good, but make a difference with Functional Tags and the other should help to find them quickly and understand their specificity.
By example 🏷️Block.
or always a special Icon before its function.User can modify color background / font size and border but we know that these Tags have specials functions.
Adding icons in front of functional tags could disrupt the uniformity of the tags, which would require a better design for their appearance. Currently, my design skills are limited. Perhaps when I have the opportunity to hire a designer in the future, we can explore this idea.
I think we can achieve this effect: displaying the date tag as a 📅 icon, and showing the full date in a tooltip when the mouse hovers over it.
The note feature can be displayed in a similar way: when the mouse hovers over the 📒 icon, the full note content is shown.
Perhaps when I have the opportunity to hire a designer in the future, we can explore this idea.
Request: Add a Special Pined Tag with a function which give - in a little tooltip on hover it (or hover the whole Utag container) - the date of the last tag modification done on its link. by exemple: 📅🏷️
it need to capture the date at each tag modification