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Remove Youtube Propaganda

Tries to remove any banner and other dismissibles that are plain annoying (or straight up propaganda).

< Commentaires sur Remove Youtube Propaganda

Avis: Bon - le script fonctionne correctement

Posté le: 26/03/2023


It's possible to have an example to know what your script is really removing on YouTube please ?
Because, I feel like I'm wrong about what your script removes and I want to be sure...

Thank you for your answer.

Posté le: 26/03/2023

Hey, just posted an image on the info page showing what elements it removes. It also removes a banner on the main page that youtube puts there from time to time, usually related to a holiday/special day, some event going on, etc. Because it's now gone I can't screenshot it anymore but should still be removed next time they add it back.
The script shouldn't remove anything important, though there could be some compatibility issues with other scripts or with add-ons that completely change how youtube looks (like youtube-redux).

That said, thanks to your comment I double checked a few things and it seems youtube uses different elements for the same thing in different platforms, so I added those to the script as well.

Posté le: 26/03/2023

Thank you very much for the explicative image, your answer, your quickness and your work ;-)

Moreover, your script works very well and is super useful.

I too was tired of these YouTube propaganda...

Posté le: 11/03/2024


I just would like to know if your script still works for you please ?

Because on my side, unfortunately it hasn't worked weeks ago :-(

Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox Browsers with Tampermonkey or Violentmonkey

Posté le: 11/03/2024

Haven't had any problems lately, still working for me. If you could, send me the link(s) of the page(s) that is(are) broken and screenshots (If you can't do it here or there's a lot of info create an issue on the gitlab page) so I can pay extra attention to those.

That said youtube been rolling out A LOT of updates recently and generally speaking those updates are rolled out selectively so it could be that it just isn't affecting me as of yet (I also have a flag set up on my browser currently to revert the change showcased here, could be of use to you as well).

Posté le: 12/03/2024

Thank you very much for your quick answer and tip :-)

Here's an example link : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gKCIZBQKSKo

Google Chrome :


Mozilla Firefox :


Posté le: 12/03/2024

It's the same for both log in and log out...

Posté le: 12/03/2024
Édité le: 12/03/2024

Interesting, haven't seen this one before. It's quite late for me so I'll poke around with the script tomorrow, expect an update in the next day or so :)

In the mean time if you absolutely want to remove this infobox you can add "ytd-info-panel-content-renderer" to the elementsToRemove array, just keep in mind that it could remove other things as well, I'll only know when I dig deeper tomorrow.

Posté le: 18/03/2024


Very sorry for my late...
I hadn't noticed your update, because I was so busy with other things.

In any case, your script is working very fine now and thank you so much again for your swiftness and your kindness ;-)

Posté le: 22/01/2025


Very sorry again for the inconvenience, but which part of the code to modify without error to display the Youtube Logo -> Replace event logo -> big-yoodle please ?

Thank you for your answer.

Posté le: 22/01/2025

Heya, don't worry about it ^^
I'm not quite sure I understand your question, so I'll comment on each of those elements in hope that it helps you:

The youtube logo itself, and the event logos, work in a completely different way on mobile and desktop.
On desktop youtube has 2 different elements for the default and event logos, and they just hide whichever isn't supposed to be shown. (the event one of course gets it's image changed on the fly when an event is happening so it shows the correct one).
On mobile youtube replaces the logo element entirely, so to change that one to what it would be the default I had to copy the entire default logo element and the SVG and hard code that directly into the script (most of the script is just line 17 because of that) and replace the event logo element with the one I have saved.
The specific code for both can be found in the functions: replaceYoutubeLogo, replaceYoutubeLogoDesktop and replaceYoutubeLogoMobile.

The big-yoodle element is (or at least used to be last I checked) a giant banner that shows up in the main youtube page (youtube.com) after you click the logo link during an event. As most of those annoying elements, it's added to one of the arrays of elements that the script checks the existence of and completely removes when found.
There are 3 different arrays, one based on ID, another based on the element name (tag) and one based on the element's class, you can find them on lines 25 to 37 at the time of writing. The code that checks and removes those elements are in a function at line 107 that is called whenever youtube changes something in the page (MutationObserver's callback, needed since youtube is a single page website and adds or removes things on the go), it's just a few for-loops that check if that element exists and if it does it calls their remove() method.

If that did not help you feel free to ask again :)

Posté le: 22/01/2025

Ah sorry, here are 2 links to help you :

-> https://www.gstatic.com/youtube/img/promos/growth/953acc74a6d627e6b67757d97c0a493e764844f377a34a2ad0e992611881c316_122x56.webp

-> https://www.gstatic.com/youtube/img/promos/growth/962f8fbef2119d614431f6dd6f2e9168122f049bdcce9cbb743973c8760a2d44_244x112.webp

They appear in place of the official YouTube logo some days and I watch them because I find them funny sometimes :-)

I would like to know how to make them appear again with your script enabled please ?

Posté le: 22/01/2025
Édité le: 22/01/2025

Oh, that's simple enough, you don't even need to modify any code if your script injector addon thingy (Violentmonkey, etc) has support for GM menus.

If it does all you have to do is toggle it off, check the image for an example, clicking that option would show a "No" instead of an "Yes" and it'll save your preferences in your browser for next time as well (if you clear the localStorage for youtube it'll also reset it back to default, which is enabled).

if it doesn't, just change the value of the variable shouldReplaceLogo in the beginning of the script to false, reminder that when the script updates it will replace any changes and revert it to the default.

Edit: I highlighted the wrong option in the screenshot ops, it's the one above it :dd

Posté le: 24/01/2025

Thank you so much again for all ;-)

Posté le: 01/02/2025


Since it's no longer a A/B test if it was one, I would like to know if you think that your script can disable the "People mentioned" below the videos and the "Hyperlinks" in the comments below the videos or at least as an option please ?

Examples :
-> https://www.reddit.com/r/youtube/comments/1giv7j0/what_is_this_people_mentioned_thing_in_youtube/
-> https://www.reddit.com/r/youtube/comments/1gfdrih/now_youtube_is_flooding_the_comment_section_with/

Posté le: 02/02/2025

I'll see what I can do.
The "people mentioned" I think I've seem before and probably isn't too hard to get rid of (hopefully there wont be a need for hardcoding it).
As for the hyperlinks in the comments.. I've never seem that before, not even on my phone where I use the default youtube UI, I'll try to find a way to replicated it when I have some free time though.

Posté le: 02/02/2025

Update: I've checked both videos in your examples and, even disabling every add-on, script & adblocker, I could not replicate either as shown in the screenshots.

This is most likely a regional thing or it's still in A/B testing (or a mix of both). I've viewed the pages on my default browser normally, then on a private session, then, using the tor network, viewed the page on an US and a Germany exit node and still couldn't replicate either. (Also tried the mobile version while pretending to be an android device, still nothing).

For now I can't quite help you it seems :(

Posté le: 06/02/2025


I'm very very sorry for my late because I was looking forward to your reply but I haven't received any mail from Greasy Fork :-(

I even looked if the notification settings have changed in my account but no... It was today that I saw your answer after logging in to Greasy Fork.

I'm French and the "People mentioned" began to appear in November 2024 in France. That's why I thought it's official now or maybe still a A/B test...

Anyway, I searched for Trump to get quick videos that have the "People mentioned" in the description of each video LOL, so I hope these 2 links can help you :

-> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_c6jYmzxKeI


-> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5y3M_5TQ1WI


According to here, it's a new AI feature that YouTube has given to youtubers for their content but many of them don't know it if I don't say nonsense...

-> https://www.reddit.com/r/youtube/comments/1giv7j0/comment/m6m51l6/

Yes, I tested Remove Youtube Propaganda on the last 2 events logo like in your 1st screenshot and it worked very well, then thank you so much ;-)

Posté le: 06/02/2025

Yes, I tested Remove Youtube Propaganda on the last 2 events logo like in your 1st screenshot and it worked very well, then thank you so much ;-)

Posté le: 07/02/2025

Alright, in those 2 videos it did indeed show up, so I added an extra option to the script to remove it. Might make it a part of the script itself rather than an optional feature later if it doesn't break anything else.

Thus a warning: it's currently removing a specific element that was the container for it. I looked around youtube and couldn't find any other place that used this specific element but you never know, so if something is broken try disabling this option (or the whole script) and updating the page, if it works after that let me know the details so I can fix it.

Posté le: 07/02/2025


After many tests on many videos, the "People mentioned" disappear perfectly without breaking the description or something else for the moment.

Okay, if I notice something strange or that doesn't work properly related to Remove Youtube Propaganda, I'll let you know.

Many thanks again for all and have a nice week-end ;-)

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