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ChatGPT ChatTree 🌳

ChatGPT ChatTree 🌳, 🚀surveillance continue et sans restriction de vos dialogues avec ChatGPT🚀 🔄rafraîchissement et affichage en direct de l'arborescence des échanges avec ChatGPT🔄 💡astuces pour discuter avec ChatGPT, notes sur m###re, favoris💡🔍Fouille astucieuse dans ChatGPT : repérage immédiat des discussions ciblées🔍 📋Tableau de bord pour la gestion des interactions avec ChatGPT, ergonomie intuitive, choix exhaustifs pour la supervision des dialogues, classement, balises et davantage📋

< Commentaires sur ChatGPT ChatTree 🌳

Avis: OK - le script fonctionne, mais souffre de quelques problèmes

Posté le: 06/10/2024

Current version (2024.09.27.02) is throwing a 'URIError: URI malformed' when trying to install on Brave (v1.70.123). It installs just fine on Firefox DevEd (132.0b3 64-bit Win10), so the problem maybe chromium-related (and could also affect Chrome, Bing, etc.).

Posté le: 08/10/2024

Please check if you are using tampermonkey to install the script. This script works well on edge and chrome. I'll check for brave later.

Posté le: 10/10/2024

Hello. I've tried it on the latest version in Brave browser and it seems all goes well! Please make sure that you install it with TamperMonkey other than violentmonkey or orange. I truly hope you can get to use ChatTree soon! If you still have questions, please feel free to ask!

Posté le: 15/10/2024
Édité le: 15/10/2024

Current version (2024.09.27.02) is throwing a 'URIError: URI malformed' when trying to install on Brave (v1.70.123). It installs just fine on Firefox DevEd (132.0b3 64-bit Win10), so the problem maybe chromium-related (and could also affect Chrome, Bing, etc.).

Are you using TamperMonkey? I only ask because I chose to ignore the directions and tried it (in Firefox Dev Edition) using ViolentMonkey** instead and received that same error upon installation. I assumed it was because of some edge case bug caused by not using TamperMonkey, but assuming you used the proper one, it could be a problem with the latest version of the script itself?

**(Because it honestly wasn't worth it for me to grab a whole different userscript manager for it. Maybe one day I'll try it temporarily in a sandbox, then if it's worthwhile make it work in ViolentMonkey.)

Posté le: 19/10/2024

It's true that the script has some problem when using violentonkey. Honestly, tampermonkey provides better help for developers and I was trying to figure out how can I write the same functions in violentmmonkey. Maybe some time later there will be one adapted for it. But for now I only write and update the script for tampermonkey.
If you don't mind, you can try tampermonkey for a while, haha.

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