Hello there! Your script is working great! Thank you for that.
I have a suggestion. It seems (It's better if you can test in your environment too) that the download speed limit isn't shared between Vortex and browser downloads. Which means you can download a whole collection in half the time if we can send one download to Vortex and the next one to the browser.
The algorithm I'd suggest is to have two separate iterators: one going from A-Z through the list, sending it to Vortex, the other one going through Z-A downloading through browser. And stop downloading when the two iterators meet.
The other option is to have two iterators that, try to keep the same load. If iterator1 have 30mb on his list, and iterator2 15mb, send the next download to iterator2 until it has more load than iterator1. More precise, I guess, but require's more logic.
I hope I'm right about the separate speed limit and this discovery can add more value to your script. Thank you!
Hello there! Your script is working great! Thank you for that.
I have a suggestion. It seems (It's better if you can test in your environment too) that the download speed limit isn't shared between Vortex and browser downloads. Which means you can download a whole collection in half the time if we can send one download to Vortex and the next one to the browser.
The algorithm I'd suggest is to have two separate iterators: one going from A-Z through the list, sending it to Vortex, the other one going through Z-A downloading through browser. And stop downloading when the two iterators meet.
The other option is to have two iterators that, try to keep the same load. If iterator1 have 30mb on his list, and iterator2 15mb, send the next download to iterator2 until it has more load than iterator1. More precise, I guess, but require's more logic.
I hope I'm right about the separate speed limit and this discovery can add more value to your script. Thank you!