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Texte Alternatif Correct pour les Images des Tweets sur Twitter

Met à jour le texte alternatif des images sur Twitter pour inclure le nom d'utilisateur, le compte et le domaine pour une meilleure reconnaissance.

< Commentaires sur Texte Alternatif Correct pour les Images des Tweets sur Twitter

Question / commentaire

Posté le: 22/01/2025


It's possible to have a screenshot of what your script actually does for a better understanding of its use please ?

Thank you for your answer.

Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox Browsers with Tampermonkey or Violentmonkey

Posté le: 22/01/2025
Édité le: 22/01/2025


<img alt="圖片" draggable="true" src="https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Gf0kIXyWAAAm5rU?format=jpg&amp;name=medium" class="css-9pa8cd">


<img alt="Mori CalliopeholoEN(holoEN)的圖片來自推特" draggable="true" src="https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Gf0kIXyWAAAm5rU?format=jpg&amp;name=medium" class="css-9pa8cd">

as you can see,with this script,the alt of img will show who post this.

Posté le: 22/01/2025

This change will be determined by the user's selected language and supports the following languages:
Traditional Chinese (zh-Hant), English (en), Japanese (ja), Spanish (es), French (fr), German (de), Italian (it), and Korean (ko).

Posté le: 22/01/2025

Okay, if I understand correctly so I need to access at the console of browsers to see the informations that your script provides ?

Posté le: 22/01/2025
Édité le: 22/01/2025

not sure what are you trying to do,which informations do you need?
does this script not functional?

Posté le: 22/01/2025

In fact, I was trying to understand how your script works according to your description "Updates alt text for Twitter images to include username, account, and domain for better recognition." because when I installed it and that I click on an image, I couldn't see anything more with your script enabled on Twitter or X.

Posté le: 22/01/2025

The purpose of this script is to address Twitter's laziness in describing image alt.
The alt attribute of the tag serves as alternative text when an image fails to load correctly.
For general users, it is unnecessary to have highly accurate alternative text.
This script is created to ensure that my other programs can use it as image's title.
Therefore, if you genuinely need accurate alternative text, you won't need to open the console to notice this script's behavior.

Posté le: 22/01/2025
Édité le: 22/01/2025

just for clarification, what do you expect to happen when you click on the image?

Posté le: 22/01/2025

Okay, I see and thanks a lot for your explanations :-)

As a normal user, I search and test many scripts for a better use of any website.

I thought that your script displayed on the image "the username, account, and domain" on mouse over or displayed them more prominently on the right side per example...

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