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Tabview YouTube Totara

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< Commentaires sur Tabview YouTube Totara

Question / commentaire

Posté le: 04/01/2025

bro,help me ,this no work

How? I have tested. It works.

Describe your issues with screenshots please.

Posté le: 07/01/2025

I had no problems using this plugin - Tabview YouTube before, but suddenly it didn't work later. Now I want to install your new plugin -Tabview YouTube Totara, but after installation, I found that it couldn't work. I don't know if it doesn't support tablets and mobile phones.

Posté le: 07/01/2025
Édité le: 07/01/2025

You are using Tablet? What is the name of this browser?

Can you please try violentmonkey instead?

Posté le: 07/01/2025

Edge Canary.
Thanks a lot.The problem is over.
violentmonkey is so great.thank you bro

There are some problems in Tampermonkey MV3 version. It needs some extra settings to use the userscripts. (I did not try that yet)

So if you are happy with violentmonkey then it's fine :)

I just find that how to use in Tampermonkey.

Just for your information.

If you are using a MV3 extension, remember to enable developer mode, otherwise the extension will not run.

Posté le: 08/01/2025

Ok,thank you bro.谢谢🙏

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