
Amazon Price Checker (FR, DE, ES, IT, BE, NL, UK, COM, PL) by bNj

Compare Amazon prices across different country sites with a leaner, faster script.

< Commentaires sur Amazon Price Checker (FR, DE, ES, IT, BE, NL, UK, COM, PL) by bNj

Question / commentaire

Why not co.uk?? Doesn't make much sense IMO

Posté le: 11/01/2025

Hi, because it can't deliver in my country but i'll add it in the next update. ;)

Can you add options to disable sites too? Here in Norway .co.uk delivers, but not .be or .nl

Posté le: 14/01/2025

Version 3.10 now includes support for Amazon.co.uk, enabling seamless price comparisons within the United Kingdom.

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