Les résultats pour toutes les langues sont affichés. Afficher uniquement les résultats pour Français
Wider AI Chat↔️JS-Make the AI chat dialog window wider for ChatGPT/Claude/Kimi/Tongyi/ChatGLM/Tiangong/Deepseek/Gemini/Tencent Yuanbao/grok
DeepSeekerJS-Prevents deletion of filtered/censored answers on DeepSeek. This is purely visual change. FILTERED ANSWERS WILL PERSIST ONLY UNTIL THE PAGE IS RELOADED.
DeepSeek Response InterceptorJS-该脚本用于拦截DeepSeek屏蔽提示,并输出已缓存文本,重新加载网页失效。
DeepSeek 对话导出JS-将 Deepseek 对话导出与复制的工具
AI Chat WideScreenJS-Make the ChatGPT & DeepSeek conversation window wider.使ChatGPT和DeepSeek的聊天对话框更宽
Zotero GPT ConnectorJS-Zotero GPT Pro, support ChatGPT Gemini Poe Kimi Coze Chatglm Yiyan Tongyi Claude Mytan ChanlderAi DeepSeek Doubao AIStudio MicrosoftCopilot
DeepSeek 对话导出器 | DeepSeek Conversation Exporter PlusJS-优雅导出 DeepSeek 对话记录,支持 JSON 和 Markdown 格式。Elegantly export DeepSeek conversation records, supporting JSON and Markdown formats.
Auto click the continue button on DeepSeekJS-Automatically click the continue button on DeepSeek
DeepSeek Conversation Search [DSCS]JS-Adds icon to the sidebar that opens a modal with chat search functionality
DeepSeek UnFilterJS-This copy the "thinking" process censored.
DeepSeek Chat Exporter (Markdown & PDF & PNG)JS-导出 DeepSeek 聊天记录为 Markdown、PDF 和 PNG 格式
DeepSeek Auto-RetryJS-Automatically click the retry button when DS message blocks show "The server is busy. Please try again later." or "Thought for 0 seconds". Uses a cooldown so that repeated clicks occur if the error persists.Automatically click the retry button when DS message blocks show error messages.
DeepSeek 自动重试 & 点击次数上限JS-当页面中出现“服务器繁忙,请稍后再试”的提示时,自动点击 id 为“重新生成”的元素进行重试。页面右下角显示一个大盒子,包含自动重试开关及点击次数上限设置(含当前计数显示),点击次数达到上限时自动关闭重试。适用于 deepseek 页面。
GPT Prompt Manager: Deepseek and ChatGPTJS-Manage, store, and quickly insert GPT prompts with categorization, templating, tagging, rating, and usage tracking.
DeepSeek免Markdown复制(DeepSeek Plain Text Copier)JS-Adds a button to copy plain text from DeepSeek chat responses without Markdown formatting.
AI Chat Message Row Max-WidthJS-Adjust Content Max-Width
ChatGPT Shortcut AnywhereJS-Toggle AiShort sidebar on the page
GPT Input DialogJS-为一系列 GPT 类网站添加长文输入对话框 | Add a long text input dialog to a series of GPT-like platforms
Optimize the deepseek.com interfaceJS-Hide deepseek.com Watermark, click menu controls the display and hiding of the left sidebar
LaTeX CopierJS-Copy selected text with equations in LaTeX format (Short cut: Ctrl+Alt+Shift+C).
DeepSeek Chat 快捷停止JS-Auto send message on Enter key press, but not on Shift + Enter
AI Chat Window Enhancer ProJS-Enhanced chat window for various AI platforms: ChatGPT, Claude, Kimi, Tongyi, ChatGLM, Tiangong, Deepseek, Gemini
ChatBot Prompt ReplacerJS-Replace shortcuts with predefined text in ChatBot input
GPT提示词浮窗JS-2024/8/9 23:35:04
给DeepSeek添加原生化的提示词管理功能JS-为 DeepSeek 添加提示词管理功能,点击直接进输入框。
AI对话宽度调整 | AI Chat Width ControllerJS-Add draggable width control slider for AI chat websites
Dynamic RTL/LTR DirectionJS-Dynamically set text direction for Deepseek chat elements based on content
Deepseek Code ArtifactJS-Turning Deepseek Codeblock into a dedicated Artifact like cluade.
DeepSeek Wide ModeJS-Customize the width of the chat area while using DeepSeek
DeepSeek 方角化 (Squared)JS-A very simple and straightforward userscript to remove rounded borders from DeepSeek. It's just personal preference.
DeepSeek TraitsJS-A recreation of OpenAI's ChatGPT Traits feature. By default does nothing. Configure via userscript.
Deepseek Chat MonitorJS-The blocked thinking and response will be displayed on the right interface. 右侧界面会显示输出后被屏蔽的思考和回复内容。
Dynamic RTL/LTR DirectionJS-Dynamically set text direction for Deepseek chat elements based on content
Deepseek Awesome CodeJS-Transforming Deepseek Codeblock into a specialized artifact similar to Claude.
Deepseek PrivacyJS-Hide and replace sensitive data on the chat interface with a user-friendly UI.
Auto Regenerate on Server Busy (DeepSeek)JS-Automatically regenerates when AI server is busy, accurately targeting regenerate button
deepseek 页签显示聊天标题JS-动态更新页签标题DeepSeek聊天标题
DeepSeek 对话导出器 优化版(Optimized version of dialogue exporter)JS-1. 优化了旧版UI,现在不在阻挡视野 2. 针对ds缓冲机制进行了优化,现在无需 重新登陆/继续对话 也可以导出对话
DeepSeek Chat 页面 Mermaid 渲染增强JS-在Mermaid代码块旁添加渲染按钮,点击后打开新窗口(由 DeepSeek 深度思考编写)
DeepSeek RedesignJS-Makes DeepSeek's UI more modern and pretty!
deepseek-helper-userscriptJS-this is userscript's description
DeepSeek 对话导出成 JSONJS-读取 IndexedDB 内容并导出到 JSON
Coursera Transcript to AI: Video Summarizer 🎬📝JS-Adds buttons to copy transcripts and easily summarize videos with the most popular AI platforms on Coursera and Datacamp.
DeepSeek ScreenshoterJS-将DeepSeek回答内容转为图片并复制到剪贴板
DeepSeek 网页版 URL 增加 query 搜索JS-为 DeepSeek 网页版增加 query string 的搜索功能,q 是 keyword , r=true 是否开启深度思考
DeepSeek No Auto-ScrollJS-Block auto-scroll in DeepSeek while keeping manual scroll control
DeepSeek 自动重试脚本JS-当 DeepSeek 显示“服务器繁忙,请稍后再试。”时,自动点击“重新生成”按钮。
Copy a math equation to WordJS-Double-click on a formula on a webpage to copy it to the clipboard, then paste it into Microsoft Word
Auto Regenerate on Server Busy (DeepSeek)JS-Automatically regenerates messages on DeepSeek when the server is busy.
DeepSeek Auto-FocusJS-Automatically focuses the chat input on chat.deepseek.com when you type
AI Prompt ManagerJS-Easily create and edit AI prompts.
DeepSeek Chat Citation CollectorJS-Automatically collect and replace citation URLs on chat.deepseek.com
Intercept and Copy window.open URLs (DeepSeek)JS-Intercept window.open calls and copy the URL to clipboard on chat.deepseek.
幻觉(Illusion)JS-幻觉(Illusion)是一个精简的跨## Prompts 管理工具,支持在以下 AI ##使用:Google AI Studio, OpenAI ChatGPT, Anthropic Claude 和 DeepSeek Chat。
Deepseek Chat Width Wizard (style)JS-Designed to optimize the width of the chat window, you can enjoy the best chat experience at any screen size. This plugin provides a more intuitive and comfortable chat interface by automatically adjusting and customizing element widths.|界面优化
Prompt ManagerJS-Fixed focus issue with search, import, and export (search below list)
DeepSeek Auto-RegenerateJS-Automatically retries when DeepSeek shows "server busy" messages
DeepSeek Chat to TelegraphJS-Add "Share" button to DeepSeek Chat to post your chat on Telegraph.
DeepSeek AI Chat ManagerJS-Adds a movable button to delete all chats and display the count of deleted chats. Works for both mobile and PC users.
DeepSeek - Chat title on tab titleJS-Chat title on tab title
DeepSeek Chat Exporter (Markdown & PDF & PNG - English improved version)JS-Export DeepSeek chat history to Markdown, PDF and PNG formats
GPT 大纲生成器JS-为 GPT 对话生成右侧大纲视图,提取问题前16个字作为标题
DeepSeek RefresherJS-DeepSeek刷新器,当出现“服务器繁忙”时自动帮你点击重新生成!
一键清空历史记录(秘塔搜 & DeepSeek)JS-清空秘塔搜和 DeepSeek 的历史记录,带按钮触发
DeepSeek Chat Tweaks - Turbo Edition with Hidden Pre-PromptJS-Force custom styles and add a hidden pre-prompt to chat input on chat.deepseek.com instantly, keeping them forever—even when the site tries to revert.
导出DeepSeek回答为图片 | Export DeepSeek Answer to ImageJS-将DeepSeek的回答导出为一张图片
DeepSeek 对话导出工具 | DeepSeek Chat ExporterJS-DeepSeek对话导出,比如JSON和Markdown 格式。Export DeepSeek chat history with JSON and Markdown formats.
元宝 & DeepSeek 对话导出工具 | Yuanbao & DeepSeek Chat ExporterJS-支持元宝和 DeepSeek 对话导出,支持 JSON 和 Markdown 格式。Export Yuanbao and DeepSeek chat history with JSON and Markdown formats.
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