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Auto Regenerate on Server Busy (DeepSeek) JS - Automatically regenerates messages on DeepSeek when the server is busy.
复制LaTex公式,支持ChatGPT/DeepSeek/wikipedia/知乎等多个网站 JS - Click on the LaTeX formula on the webpage and copy it to the clipboard. You can choose to directly copy it as a mathtype object or the LaTeX source code
DeepSeek Chat Export JS - The tool for exporting and copying dialogues in Deepseek
DeepSeek Auto-Regenerate JS - Automatically retries when DeepSeek shows "server busy" messages
Zotero GPT Connector JS - Zotero GPT Pro, support ChatGPT Gemini Poe Kimi Coze Chatglm Yiyan Tongyi Claude Mytan ChanlderAi DeepSeek Doubao AIStudio MicrosoftCopilot
TexCopyer JS - Double click on a LaTeX formula on a webpage to copy it to the clipboard
AI Chat Window Enhancer Pro JS - Enhanced chat window for various AI platforms: ChatGPT, Claude, Kimi, Tongyi, ChatGLM, Tiangong, Deepseek, Gemini
Deepseek Awesome Code JS - Transforming Deepseek Codeblock into a specialized artifact similar to Claude.
Deepseek Privacy JS - Hide and replace sensitive data on the chat interface with a user-friendly UI.
DeepSeek UnFilter JS - This copy the "thinking" process censored.
DeepSeek Chat Exporter (Markdown & PDF & PNG) JS - 导出 DeepSeek 聊天记录为 Markdown、PDF 和 PNG 格式
DeepSeek Redesign JS - Makes DeepSeek's UI more modern and pretty!
Deepseek Chat Width Wizard (style) JS - Designed to optimize the width of the chat window, you can enjoy the best chat experience at any screen size. This plugin provides a more intuitive and comfortable chat interface by automatically adjusting and customizing element widths.|界面优化
DeepSeek AI Chat Manager JS - Adds a movable button to delete all chats and display the count of deleted chats. Works for both mobile and PC users.
DeepSeek Chat Exporter (Markdown & PDF & PNG - English improved version) JS - Export DeepSeek chat history to Markdown, PDF and PNG formats
AI Chat Message Row Max-Width JS - Adjust Content Max-Width
AI Chat WideScreen JS - Make the ChatGPT & DeepSeek conversation window wider.使ChatGPT和DeepSeek的聊天对话框更宽
ChatGPT Shortcut Anywhere JS - Toggle AiShort sidebar on the page
Optimize the interface JS - Hide Watermark, click menu controls the display and hiding of the left sidebar
LaTeX Copier JS - Copy selected text with equations in LaTeX format (Short cut: Ctrl+Alt+Shift+C).
DeepSeek Chat 快捷停止 JS - Auto send message on Enter key press, but not on Shift + Enter
Dynamic RTL/LTR Direction JS - Dynamically set text direction for Deepseek chat elements based on content
Auto click the continue button on DeepSeek JS - Automatically click the continue button on DeepSeek
Deepseek Code Artifact JS - Turning Deepseek Codeblock into a dedicated Artifact like cluade.
DeepSeek Wide Mode JS - Customize the width of the chat area while using DeepSeek
DeepSeek 方角化 (Squared) JS - A very simple and straightforward userscript to remove rounded borders from DeepSeek. It's just personal preference.
DeepSeek Traits JS - A recreation of OpenAI's ChatGPT Traits feature. By default does nothing. Configure via userscript.
Dynamic RTL/LTR Direction JS - Dynamically set text direction for Deepseek chat elements based on content
DeepSeek Conversation Search [DSCS] JS - Adds icon to the sidebar that opens a modal with chat search functionality
Auto Regenerate on Server Busy (DeepSeek) JS - Automatically regenerates when AI server is busy, accurately targeting regenerate button
DeepSeeker JS - Prevents deletion of filtered/censored answers on DeepSeek. This is purely visual change. FILTERED ANSWERS WILL PERSIST ONLY UNTIL THE PAGE IS RELOADED.
DeepSeek Auto-Retry JS - Automatically click the retry button when DS message blocks show "The server is busy. Please try again later." or "Thought for 0 seconds". Uses a cooldown so that repeated clicks occur if the error persists.Automatically click the retry button when DS message blocks show error messages.
deepseek-helper-userscript JS - this is userscript's description
Coursera Transcript to AI: Video Summarizer 🎬📝 JS - Adds buttons to copy transcripts and easily summarize videos with the most popular AI platforms on Coursera and Datacamp.
Copy a math equation to Word JS - Double-click on a formula on a webpage to copy it to the clipboard, then paste it into Microsoft Word
GPT Prompt Manager: Deepseek and ChatGPT JS - Manage, store, and quickly insert GPT prompts with categorization, templating, tagging, rating, and usage tracking.
DeepSeek Auto-Focus JS - Automatically focuses the chat input on when you type
AI Prompt Manager JS - Easily create and edit AI prompts.
DeepSeek Chat Citation Collector JS - Automatically collect and replace citation URLs on
Intercept and Copy URLs (DeepSeek) JS - Intercept calls and copy the URL to clipboard on chat.deepseek.
DeepSeek expands the page CSS - Expand the page of DeepSeek to facilitate direct long screenshot
DeepSeek Chat to Telegraph JS - Add "Share" button to DeepSeek Chat to post your chat on Telegraph.
DeepSeek - Chat title on tab title JS - Chat title on tab title
Block All Auto-Scroll (Injected) JS - Block programmatic scrolling on all elements