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expand trade routesJS-...
Travian Reports NoScrollJS-Simple script that moves the Mark As Read and the Delete buttons on the reports page to the top of the list.
Travian wave builderJS-make waves for travian4 and travian 3.6 (classic)
Travian Report HighlighterJS-Hightlight reports with more than 1000 potential resources
LTF :: Le Truc de FangJS-list builder with t-raid.net for french servers
V-Lien-Marchands&SommeJS-script pour avoir des liens rapides en marchands ou troupes vers vos villages, somme des ressources + remplissage rapide des ressources dans le marché
V-InfoPlusJS-script pour avoir les données du compte plus sur chaque page en haut à gauche
V-supprimerRoutesJS-supprimer toutes les routes d'un village en 2 clics
Travian Report ArchiveJS-Automatically saves reports locally on browser when you open them and exports as CSV for analysis in excel etc. currently supports raids, and scouting(resources and troops)
Fix for travian-reports.net/plJS-Add-on for travian.pl
The All MightyJS-Wave builder for Travian Legends and Travian Codex Victoria
Qq_BuilderJS-Building by clicking Q
TravianRBPJS-Shows travian resources (for Travian Legends and Travian Tides of Conquest)
Travian Legends++JS-Villages, Troops, Resources Overview, Quick links. More to come, feel free to give ideas...
Travian NPC MasterJS-Buildt in NPC calulator for travian.
Travian Rallypoint filterJS-Buildt in filter separating rally point entries for travian.
Calculate Warehouse and Granary Total Capacity SizeJS-Hover over each cell in descending order - first warehouses then granaries, only once for each warehouse total, not three times (wood only for example). Press "Enter" when hovered.
Display Bounty AmountsJS-Merges hover over label text for bounty reports with the default table body
قطار الاصدقاء السريعJS-55
Travian marketplace calculatorJS-This script is used for calculating incoming grain in Travian Legends game
Travian VillageLinksJS-Direct links to own villages for sending troops and resources!
Auto Fill TravianJS-يحفظ عدد القوات عند الضغط على "تعبئة الآن" ويعبئها تلقائيًا عند الدخول مرة أخرى
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