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Travian wave builderJS-make waves for travian4 and travian 3.6 (classic)
Travian Reports NoScrollJS-Simple script that moves the Mark As Read and the Delete buttons on the reports page to the top of the list.
expand trade routesJS-...
Travian Report HighlighterJS-Hightlight reports with more than 1000 potential resources
LTF :: Le Truc de FangJS-list builder with for french servers
V-Link-Trade&SumJS-script to proves quick links for trading/troops + sum ress + quick send trade
V-InfoPlusJS-script to have the data of plus account on every page
V-removeTradeRoutesJS-remove all trade routes in 2 clics
Travian Report ArchiveJS-Automatically saves reports locally on browser when you open them and exports as CSV for analysis in excel etc. currently supports raids, and scouting(resources and troops)
Fix for for
The All MightyJS-Wave builder for Travian Legends and Travian Codex Victoria
Qq_BuilderJS-Building by clicking Q
TravianRBPJS-Shows travian resources (for Travian Legends and Travian Tides of Conquest)
Travian Legends++JS-Villages, Troops, Resources Overview, Quick links. More to come, feel free to give ideas...
Travian NPC MasterJS-Buildt in NPC calulator for travian.
Travian Rallypoint filterJS-Buildt in filter separating rally point entries for travian.
Calculate Warehouse and Granary Total Capacity SizeJS-Hover over each cell in descending order - first warehouses then granaries, only once for each warehouse total, not three times (wood only for example). Press "Enter" when hovered.
Display Bounty AmountsJS-Merges hover over label text for bounty reports with the default table body
Travian marketplace calculatorJS-This script is used for calculating incoming grain in Travian Legends game
Travian VillageLinksJS-Direct links to own villages for sending troops and resources!