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Show Saved Video's Position | InvidiousJS-show position where you stopped watching video at thumbnails. (Don't forget to turn on that function!)
Simple Sponsor SkipperJS-Skips annoying intros, sponsors and w/e on YouTube and its frontends like Invidious and CloudTube using the SponsorBlock API.
Sponsor Block Integration | InvidiousJS-automatically skip sponsor fragments in invidious
Fix Invidious Channel ViewJS-fetches '/playlist?list=ID' to get video list for channel.
Invidious PreferencesJS-Redirect Invidious Videos with URL Parameters
LibReddit Dark Theme & LibReddit Settings ChangerJS-Change the default Libreddit theme to Black, and set other preferences more convenient than on Reddit
Invidious maximized videoJS-Maximizes the video in Insidous for YouTube to use the entire width of the browser window.
Reddit to Libreddit RedirectJS-Redirects Reddit links to randomly chosen Libreddit instances automatically and provides an option to reload in a different instance, if the user wishes to do so.
Automatic Redlib Quota & Error RedirectorJS-Automatically redirects to another Redlib (previously Libreddit) instance if the one you're directed to has reached its rate limit/quota or has an error.
New Instance Button for RedlibJS-Adds a button to Redlib (previously Libreddit) instances to redirect to a new instance.
Libre Frontend RedirectJS-Gives buttom to redirect from a Libre Frontend instance to another instance to counter rate-limiting. (Currently Supported: Reddit, Quora. Planned: Youtube, github, etc)
Automatic Quetre RedirectJS-Uses Farside to automatically redirect to working instance of Quetre
[Buggy] Redlib Quirk FixerJS-Fix some quirks of Redlib (previously Libreddit) instances (disabled HLS, disabled NSFW, etc). Buggy, see README.
Modificateur d'URL pour les moteurs de rechercheJS-Ce script Tampermonkey améliore votre utilisation du moteur de recherche en modifiant les URL dans les résultats de recherche des moteurs de recherche, redirigeant vers des sites alternatifs, permettant une expérience de navigation plus personnalisée et efficace. Vous pouvez également ajouter votre propre règle de modification d'URL au script et êtes invité à engager vos règles avec ce script pour le rendre encore plus utile.
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