Restore Revision Time Visual Text in Google AppsJS-Brings back visual last edit text in drive apps due to M3 migration by Google.
Reddit to RedlibJS-Converts Reddit links to Redlib (previously Libreddit) links, and replaces old url in browser history. Also works in Firefox Android.
Automatic Redlib Quota & Error RedirectorJS-Automatically redirects to another Redlib (previously Libreddit) instance if the one you're directed to has reached its rate limit/quota or has an error.
New Instance Button for RedlibJS-Adds a button to Redlib (previously Libreddit) instances to redirect to a new instance.
Imgur to RimgoJS-Converts links to Rimgo links, and replaces old url in browser history.
Raw GIF buttons for GIPHYJS-Adds buttons to copy the raw url of a gif on GIPHY, or visit the raw gif in the browser.
"Ship It" GIF button for Github ReviewJS-Adds a button to Github to add "Let's ship it!" GIFs when reviewing PRs
Github PR Organizer & FormatterJS-Organizes and tabs PRs to make it easier to see what to prioritize.
Github See Your Closed PRsJS-See PRs you created that are merged or closed
Twitter/X Login Blocker to NitterJS-Converts Twitter/X login flow redirects to Nitter links, and replaces old url in browser history. Also works in Firefox Android.
Tiktok to ProxitokJS-Converts Tiktok links to Proxitok links, and replaces old url in browser history. Also works in Firefox Android.
Add filename copy button to the Github PR review commentsJS-What the title says
Sentry to Datadog RUM and Log buttonsJS-Read the README
Datadog RUM log highlightingJS-Optional userscript that adds highting to relevant RUM entries specified by
Datadog Log log highlightingJS-Optional userscript that adds highting to relevant Log entries specified by
Add copy button next to base ref name in PR header informationJS-What the title says
Production & Dev instance warningJS-Warns you if you are on the dev or prod instance of your web app (not on localhost)
Automatic Proxitok Error RedirectorJS-Automatically redirects to another proxitok instance if the one you're directed to issues.
[Buggy] Redlib Quirk FixerJS-Fix some quirks of Redlib (previously Libreddit) instances (disabled HLS, disabled NSFW, etc). Buggy, see README.
Reddit to Redlib buttonJS-Adds a button to move from Reddit to Redlib
Add banner to github PRs for easier copying of the PR's head refJS-What the title says
Twitter/X to NitterJS-Converts Twitter/X links to Nitter links, and replaces old url in browser history. Also works in Firefox Android.
Production & Dev instance faviconJS-Replaces your favicon if you are on the dev or prod instance of your web app (not on localhost)
Farside to FastsideJS-Automatically redirects to Fastside if Farside is not working
Automatic Nitter Quota & Error RedirectorJS-Automatically redirects to another Nitter instance if the one you're directed to has reached its rate limit/quota or has an error.
New Instance Button for NitterJS-Adds a button to Nitter instances to redirect to a new instance.