Les résultats pour toutes les langues sont affichés. Afficher uniquement les résultats pour Français
Always Show Zoom Web ClientJS-Always show the web client link on zoom.us meeting join pages, even if the host has asked Zoom to hide it by default.
Zoom redirector with SubdomainsJS-Transparently redirects any meeting links to use Zoom's browser based web client
Close Zoom post attendeeJS-4/17/2020, 3:58:56 PM
Download Zoom RecordingJS-Add a green button to download zoom recorded video.
Zoom meeting in the browserJS-5/29/2020, 3:54:07 PM
Close Zoom Tabs!JS-make you not have to click the button to close like 100 zoom tabs that get opened every day!
Zoom automatically raise handJS-By detecting how many others are raising their hand, if exceed the threshold you set, then the program will automatically raise your hands.
Zoom Records HotkeysJS-Add hotkeys for prerecorded zoom videos
Close Zoom TabsJS-Close the tabs Zoom spawns
Comrade: Stack Bot for ZoomJS-Bot that manages stack for meetings. Active if your name is "Comrade" when you join.
Zoom Cloud Playback keyboard shortcut controlJS-player keyboard control
Speed up for YoutubeJS-Press right key to speed up, NoStop
ZuumJS-Change your Zoom username in a school Zoom without an account. Set variable "uname" to change it.
Zoom Prefer WebJS-Zoomのディープリンク画面で即Webで参加ボタンを出すようにする
Make Zoom skipping function skip 5s onlyJS-Add buttons for skipping 5s or backing 5s while watching zoom recordings
Enlarge the control bar while watching Zoom RecordingsJS-Bigger is better, isn't it?
Zoom , Hide Chat MessagesJS-Hides Psychopaths from Talking on Zoom
ZoomUtilsJS-A bunch of small utilities for Zoom Web Meetings.
Force Zoom Browser ModeJS-Forces Zoom in the browser without unnecessary hoop-jumping.
Default Zoom Name OverrideJS-Set your default name that will override your name on the Zoom aplication. Useful in some cases. Set up by going to https://zoom.us/j/ (or any join link), and click the "Default Name" on the top.
Prevent Zoom Pro Ads and Success HashJS-Prevents the #success Hash on Zoom join links to allow sharing the link with others and prevents Zoom Pro ads from appearing after the button is clicked.
Zoom AuditorJS-Script that lets you find the final instances of recurring Zoom meetings
Download Zoom RecordingJS-Allow right clicking a zoom video to download
Zoom autocloseJS-Autoclose the zoom page when zoom in launched
Zoom Client AutoloaderJS-Автоматический запуск клиента Zoom
Zoom Recording Passcode AutofillJS-Auto-fill Zoom recording passcode from clipboard and submit it.
Zoom Smart Chapters DownloaderJS-Download Zoom Smart Chapters in JSON and Markdown formats: https://gist.github.com/aculich/491ace4a581c8707fa6cd8304d89ea79
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