Zoom automatically raise handJS-By detecting how many others are raising their hand, if exceed the threshold you set, then the program will automatically raise your hands.
Make Zoom skipping function skip 5s onlyJS-Add buttons for skipping 5s or backing 5s while watching zoom recordings
Enlarge the control bar while watching Zoom RecordingsJS-Bigger is better, isn't it?
[CityU] Add a link to open embedded frames in Canvas in a new tabJS-A link to open Zoom and Some External tools in a new tab will be generated at the top right corner.
Disable specific sitesJS-A script to ban a user from opening some specific sites
Makes Code Window be Floatable - PythonTutorJS-PythonTutor is sick, but its interface is sucks. What a shame!
Hide Youtube Video Recommandations while watching videosJS-To help you to Focus on the contents that you Really need
隐藏B站首页推荐视频 只留一个搜索栏JS-一寸光阴一寸金
Hide YouTube Recommandations In Home PageJS-Time is Precious
Bilibili 隐藏Header和FooterJS-隱藏B站的Header和Footer,只保留主体內容
BiliBili 隐藏所有与视频无关的元素JS-总是感觉B站界面内容太复杂,太多诱惑。这个脚本只保留了最基本的视频播放功能,避免丢失焦点,减少无意义的时间消耗
Poe Latex RendererJS-Prelimary Version, handwork needed
BiliBili 一键取消关注所有UP主JS-如果删不干净,请重新尝试
Bilibili 隐藏主页的HeaderJS-隱藏B站主页的Header,只保留主体內容
Enable image pasting from clipboard in PoeJS-Simulate drag and drop when pasting an image from the clipboard