quixo_LinkedIn by Azazello
Quixotic attempts to wrangle LinkedIn - who will succeed??!?
Les résultats pour toutes les langues sont affichés. Afficher uniquement les résultats pour Français
Simulate Traffic to LinkedIn URLJS-Simulate traffic to a specified LinkedIn URL by sending HTTP requests every 10 seconds.
Company Name Extractor with Block List (Enhanced)JS-Extract and manage company names from job listings on LinkedIn job search, with immediate blocking and interactive UI for managing blocked companies.
LinkedIn Job NavigatorJS-Navigate LinkedIn jobs and pages using arrow keys (up and down to navigate jobs, left and right to navigate pages), and apply to jobs with 'S' key press.
LinkedIn Easy Apply Unfollow & Automate Submit/Close WindowsJS-Automatically unclicks the Follow button in the Easy Apply application, and automates the process of submitting and closing the application once all the information has been entered.
LinkedIn search r###ltsJS-Colour LinkedIn job search r###lts that have already been seen
DontFollow for LinkedinJS-Unticks the annoying "Follow company for more updates" in the final Easy Apply modal.
Ajusteur de taille des sous-titres LinkedIn LearningJS-Ajouter le réglage de la taille des sous-titres dans les paramètres du lecteur LinkedIn Learning
LinkedIn Comments DeleterJS-Deletes ALL of your comments on Linkedin
Hide Promoted job posts LinkedinJS-This script removes any promoted job posting on the Linkedin job board.
Suppress Suggested & Promoted Posts on LinkedInJS-Remove LinkedIn posts labeled as "Suggested" and dynamically observe for new ones
Extract linkedin user info from user search listJS-Script that extracts and copies linkedin account information in CSV format to the clipboard when searching for users.
MDA linkedin improvementsJS-my linkedin improvements started 2025-01-11
LinkedIn Job Visibility Settings; year, job status highlightJS-11/13/2024, 5:53:40 PM
LinkedInJunkFilterJS-Removes customizable job offers from LinkedIn by automatically hiding any job element that has any keywords from the filterList. Fork from https://update.greasyfork.org/scripts/465779/LinkedInJunkFilter.user.js
LinkedIn Job Skills HighlighterJS-Highlight skills in LinkedIn job postings with color groups
Hide LinkedIn Promoted PostsJS-Hide promoted posts on LinkedIn feed
LinkedIn ConnectJS-Add "Auto Connect" button that automatically sends connection requests
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