ArrowKey Page Navigation for Asura WebsitesJS-navigate left and right previous page and next page
Block Social MediaJS-replace a social media website with a message to get off(you can add any other ones you want)
Quizlet Search On GoogleJS-adds quizlet search to google search r###lts
canvas navigatorJS-navigate left and right using arrow keys in canvas or even the assignments too!
Content Time EstimatorJS-Estimate reading time for content.
FMovies Shuffle PlayJS-Add a shuffle button to select a random episode on FMovies for a show
Discord Copy/PasteJS-bypass copy and paste restriction on the Discord website
LinkedIn Job NavigatorJS-Navigate LinkedIn jobs and pages using arrow keys (up and down to navigate jobs, left and right to navigate pages), and apply to jobs with 'S' key press.
Job Navigation ScriptJS-Navigate application sites with arrow keys and submit application with Enter key
Instagram Reels Auto ScrollJS-Auto-plays next reel when your on the reels page on someone's profile!