VarageSale - Show Titles/Prices & Hide SoldJS-Add titles and prices to category pages (which inexplicably go missing when logged in), and hide items marked as sold (which otherwise stick around for awile)
Craigslist: Bigger Pics in Thumb ViewJS-Loads higher resolution thumbnail images when browsing in "thumb" view
BC Auction: Location has no way to filter r###lts by location. Listed below are item locations I've encountered on the site. Edit the list, removing locations that you DO want to see
Metacritic: Hide games with no MetascoreJS-When sorting by Newest Releases, games with no Metascore will get hidden. If that ends up being every game on a page, it will skip to the next page
Metacritic: YouTube Game Review SearchJS-Adds YouTube search links to Metacritic game pages
Rotten Tomatoes: YouTube Trailers LinkJS-Adds a search link to movie/show pages
Reddit old design redirectorJS-Reroutes old.reddit... to www.reddit...
Metacritic: IGGGAMES SearchJS-Adds an search link to Metacritic game pages
Links on Disney+ - IMDB, Rotten Tomatoes, Metacritic, YouTube TrailersJS-Adds links for searching titles from
Facebook Marketplace Profile LinkJS-Adds a user's Marketplace profile link to their main profile page
Links on Amazon Prime Video - IMDB, Rotten Tomatoes, Metacritic, YouTube TrailersJS-Adds links for searching titles from
VarageSale - Hide Abandoned AdsJS-Hide search r###lts where "last activity" was "years ago" (since VarageSale won't)
Facebook Marketplace: Hide Unwanted CategoriesJS-Removes items from the categories listed below. Edit the list to your tastes, but back it up, as it will get overwritten when I next update
Steam Store: Metacritic LinkJS-Adds a Metacritic game search link to Steam Store pages
Rotten Tomatoes: JustWatch LinkJS-Adds a search link to movie/show pages
Instagram: Arrow Keys for Multi-Image PostsJS-Makes right/left keys navigate next/previous images in multi-image posts, as well as to adjacent posts. Holding shift, right/left jumps directly between posts. Esc key closes posts.
Facebook Marketplace: Dim Distant LocationsJS-Items from the locations listed below will be dimmed for easy avoidance. This list is intended for Victoria, BC (where we're often shown items across an ocean). Edit the list for your region, but back it up, as it will get overwritten when I next update
1337x: iTorrents Download FixJS-Fixes the link on, which gets blocked on Chrome due to the url being http instead of https (a simple fix, if anyone knows how to get in touch to let them know)
Instagram non-English link redirectorJS-Remove language codes (e.g. hl=fr) from Instagram URLs
Reddit: Low Upvote FilterJS-Hide font page posts with fewer than 10 upvotes (edit minimum in the code)
Global News: Unmute VideosJS-Unmutes videos on, which are otherwise muted by default
Reddit (re)redesign redirectorJS-Takes you back to the previous design by rerouting www.reddit... to new.reddit...
Facebook Mobile Redirect to DesktopJS-Reroute m.facebook pages to their www counterparts
DoodStream Vertical Video FixJS-Some vertical videos are getting stretched to widescreen. This adds a button (next to full-screen) to force them back to portrait
Kijiji: Hide Non-Local ListingsJS-Removes ads with only "Canada" or provence name listed as location