Re-Enable Right Click and Highlighting on Minirlss.netJS-Reverses scripts that are used to disable right clicking and highlighting of text - currently only for, but could be modified to work on other sites.
Minishares Link ScrubberJS-This removes shr77 redirections from
VidShok SkipperJS-Skips Wait Timer
Watch Series SkipperJS-Skips ad page
Walmart Ammo StockJS-Shows if Ammo is in stock on
Yahoo Mail Ad RemovalJS-removes the ads Motty Katan(c) Beta version. 06-02-2006 last updated 23/12/13
Forbes - Skip Welcome ScreenJS-Skips the welcome screen; The one with the "Thought of the Day" and the full page ad. Pretty much simulates clicking the link, "Skip this welcome screen", as soon as the welcome screen loads.
Youtube Related Video RatingsJS-Shows ratings of related videos on Youtube, and changes ratings bar back to green/red.