Uneddit RedditJS-Uneddits Reddit comments
Reddit Replace IframeJS-replaces reddits youtube/vimeo iframe with the iframe from the corresponding website
ScoopsMeatland add download attributeJS-Adds the download attribute to links for easy downloading
Reddit timestring highlightJS-Highlight recent time strings on reddit
Redirect /r/subreddit to /r/subreddit+JS-Redirects any /r/subreddit links to /r/subreddit+ links
Reddit StylesheetJS-applies a stylesheets to reddit without having gold
Reddit Live Highlight NewJS-Highlights new posts on a Reddit Live thread modJS-Mods a few things
Phhhoto gif downloaderJS-Download an image with a click of a button
Reddit old. redirectJS-redirects from www. to old.
IMDB Copy Buttons V2JS-Buttons
IMDB Reveal Original Movie TitleJS-Reveals the orginal title of a movie listed on an actors profile.
Reddit remove np.JS-Redirects np. to www.
Homestuck Fix ChatlogsJS-replaces leet speak with letters
FC Companion to the CompanionJS-Opens FC levels in the desktop app