ACT.YouTube.DM.Auto-translateJS-Automatically translate any non-specified language Subtitles/CC.
ACT.YouTube.MO.Embed-buttonJS-Go to Embed page to uses Subtitles/CC auto-translate menu on in-page fullscreen player, for mobile users.
ACT.YouTube.DM.Shorts2watchJS-Back to watch page from shorts feeds by one-click button, open shorts on the watch page in channel videos.
ACT.Zhihu.DM.StayJS-Stay in web not app, browsing experience optimization.
ACT.Google.DM.NCRJS-No country redirect, easy to switch region/language.
ACT.Google.MO.Auto-SeemoreJS-Mobile google search See more automatically.
ACT.Google.MO.StayJS-Stay in web not app, Google Widget and APP Banner Remove.
ACT.Jianshu.MO.StayJS-Stay in web not app, browsing experience optimization.
ACT.Pengpai.MO.StayJS-Stay in web not app, browsing experience optimization.
ACT.Douban.MO.StayJS-Stay in web not app, browsing experience optimization.
ACT.Google.DM.TracklessJS-Make links direct and track less.