
Batoto MyFollows

Filter your follows from comic search; info button and sorting in the old follows page; links between Batoto-MU-Mal and other features.

< Обсуждения: Batoto MyFollows

Отзыв: Хороший — скрипт работает как нужно

[Bug] 'An hour ago' gets sorted to the bottom of the list.

Thanks for fixing that last bug I reported!


Current behaviour: Titles updated 'An hour ago' is being sorted at the bottom.
Expected behaviour: Titles updated 'An hour ago' should be sorted at the bottom.

I forgot about this bug because I fixed it myself (hackishly converted 'An hour ago' to '1 hour ago')

Thanks again for reporting! It's fixed now and I added some other things.

Hello, I have an update to this bug. First up, yes, now 'minutes' are now somewhere on top. But, they're sorted at the wrong place. Thanks for fixing the previous bug. I really appreciate this script you've made.


Создано: 17.03.2015
Изменено: 17.03.2015

Are you using a script to transform the dates? I have never seen "X minutes ago" but "Today, XX:YY PM" when the chapter was uploaded between now and an hour ago. If you are using one, I would like to have it so I check if the bug was fixed correctly.


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