
IMDb Scout

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< Обсуждения: IMDb Scout

Отзыв: Хороший — скрипт работает как нужно

Change from title to original title

Hi,in other countries besides the EUA, the title displayed on IMDB is translated to language of the country, like this: http://prntscr.com/kxjnh1 (Brazil).It would be much better if we can search with the original title, the r###lts will be way more accurate when the search use the case "%search_string%".Maybe you can do the change putting 2 options: search with the title and with the original title, or only original title, or none of them and do nothing, but we will be so gratefull for you.Thanks in advance.

You can change this at IMDB with an account.

Excelent! I didn't know that.Thanks!


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