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Video Shortcuts

Ускоряйте, замедляйте, перематывайте вперед и назад, зацикливайте любое видео HTML5 на любом сайте с помощью быстрых клавиш!

< Обсуждения: Video Shortcuts

Отзыв: Хороший — скрипт работает как нужно

Hello! Thank you for helpful thing! How can I make hotkeys in alternative keyboard layout not work? For example, I don't want in Russian keyboard layout the key "X" as "[" to change the playtime and "Ъ" as "]" to change the playtime.

I solved the issue with AI

I'm guessing what you really wanted was for hotkeys not to affect the video while you were typing. I did it (and w/o any AI). Please update the script.


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