

ASF bot list trade matcher

< Обсуждения: ASF STM

Отзыв: Нормальный — скрипт работает, но имеет существенные недостатки

The script is wonderful, but as for me it can be significantly pumped, in terms of doing a search for cards for one badge, and not as loading as now, all at once (or you can simply add as an alternative, in the badgesearch for cards in bots specifically for one badge), and thanks for that too.

You can just set filter to the game you interested in. Most time consuming part is fetching inventories of bots, it does not matter if you look for just one badge or all of them, it won't be significantly faster.

Hi, did you see this filter when there are 200+ games?? It does not fit on the page and you need to make the page scale at 50%, and then wait until the script checks 100+ users, and I talked about the idea of checking a specific game for all bots (without needing to load all the games)

Once again, checking a specific game for all bots will take as much time as checking all games for all bots. If the issue is filter window being to big - I'll think how to address it, maybe will add scrolling to it or something like that.

Okay, maybe you’re right about loading individual games, yes, scrolling for the filter would be great, and even as an idea, instead of the “all” and “none” buttons, you can make one checkbox, and if you turn it off, the list will just load, and then from the list you can check off those games that you need (as now on STM)


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