Khan Academy Answer Hack
// ==UserScript==// @name KhanHack// @version 3.9// @description Here is a Khan Academy Solver!// @author Logzilla6// @match*// @grant none// @namespace ==/UserScript==
(function () {const overlayHTML = <div id="hackOverlay" style="position: fixed; top: 10px; right: 10px; background: #fff; padding: 15px; border: 2px solid #000; z-index: 9999;"><button id="toggleBtn">Toggle</button><h3>KhanHack</h3><button id="resetAnswersBtn">Reset Answer List</button><div id="ansBreak" style="max-height: 300px; overflow-y: auto;"><h4>- Answers -</h4></div><small>Press 'M' to toggle menu visibility.</small></div>
// Utility function to get elements by IDfunction get(x) { return document.getElementById(x); }// Reset the list of answersfunction resetAnswers() {document.getElementById('ansBreak').innerHTML = ''; // Clear the answer listcurAns = 1; // Reset the answer counterconsole.log('Answer list has been reset.');}// Error handling functionfunction handleFetchError(error) {console.error('An error occurred:', error);alert('An error occurred. Please check the console for details.');}// Add the overlay HTML to the pagelet overlay = document.createElement("div");overlay.innerHTML = overlayHTML;document.body.appendChild(overlay);// Toggle the visibility of the answer panellet toggleBtn = get('toggleBtn');let ansPanel = get('hackOverlay');toggleBtn.onclick = function () { = === 'none' ? 'block' : 'none';};// Toggle panel visibility when pressing 'M' keydocument.addEventListener('keydown', (event) => {if (event.key === 'm' || event.key === 'M') { = === 'none' ? 'block' : 'none';}});// Add the reset answers button functionalitylet resetBtn = get('resetAnswersBtn');resetBtn.onclick = resetAnswers;'use strict';window.loaded = false;// Class to handle different types of answersclass Answer {constructor(answer, type) {this.body = answer;this.type = type;}// Check if the answer is multiple choiceget isMultiChoice() {return this.type === "multiple_choice";}// Check if the answer is free responseget isFreeResponse() {return this.type === "free_response";}// Check if the answer is an expressionget isExpression() {return this.type === "expression";}// Check if the answer is a dropdownget isDropdown() {return this.type === "dropdown";}log() {try {const answer = this.body;answer.forEach(ans => {if (typeof ans === "string") {// Handle potential "web+graphie" strings by replacing them or processingif (ans.includes("web+graphie")) {this.body[this.body.indexOf(ans)] = ""; // Clear the valuethis.printImage(ans); // You may need to define `printImage`} else {answer[answer.indexOf(ans)] = ans.replace(/\$/g, ''); // Replace '$' signs}}});} catch (error) {handleFetchError(error);}}}const originalFetch = window.fetch;// Overriding the window.fetch methodwindow.fetch = function () {return originalFetch.apply(this, arguments).then(async (res) => {try {if (res.url.includes("/getAssessmentItem")) {const clone = res.clone();const json = await clone.json();let item, question;item =;question = JSON.parse(item).question;// Debugging: Log question structureconsole.log('Question structure:', question);Object.keys(question.widgets).forEach(widgetName => {console.log('Processing widget:', widgetName); // Log widget nameswitch (widgetName.split(" ")[0]) {case "numeric-input":freeResponseAnswerFrom(question).log();break;case "radio":multipleChoiceAnswerFrom(question).log();break;case "expression":expressionAnswerFrom(question).log();break;case "dropdown":dropdownAnswerFrom(question).log();break;default:console.warn('Unhandled widget type:', widgetName);}});}if (!window.loaded) {console.clear();window.loaded = true;}return res;} catch (error) {handleFetchError(error);return res;}});}let curAns = 1;// Extract free response answers from the questionfunction freeResponseAnswerFrom(question) {const answer = Object.values(question.widgets).flatMap((widget) => {if (widget.options?.answers) {console.log('Free response widget:', widget); // Log widget datareturn widget.options.answers.filter(answer => answer.status === "correct").map(answer => {let createPar = document.createElement('section');createPar.innerHTML = answer.value;document.getElementById('ansBreak').append(createPar);curAns++;return answer.value;});}return [];});return new Answer(answer, "free_response");}// Extract multiple choice answers from the questionfunction multipleChoiceAnswerFrom(question) {const answer = Object.values(question.widgets).flatMap((widget) => {if (widget.options?.choices) {console.log('Multiple choice widget:', widget); // Log widget datareturn widget.options.choices.filter(choice => choice.correct).map(choice => {let createPar = document.createElement('section');createPar.innerHTML = choice.content;document.getElementById('ansBreak').append(createPar);curAns++;return choice.content;});}return [];});return new Answer(answer, "multiple_choice");}// Extract expression answers from the questionfunction expressionAnswerFrom(question) {const answer = Object.values(question.widgets).flatMap((widget) => {if (widget.options?.answerForms) {console.log('Expression widget:', widget); // Log widget datareturn widget.options.answerForms.filter(answer => Object.values(answer).includes("correct")).map(answer => {let createPar = document.createElement('section');createPar.innerHTML = answer.value;document.getElementById('ansBreak').append(createPar);curAns++;return answer.value;});}return [];});return new Answer(answer, "expression");}// Extract dropdown answers from the questionfunction dropdownAnswerFrom(question) {const answer = Object.values(question.widgets).flatMap((widget) => {if (widget.options?.choices) {console.log('Dropdown widget:', widget); // Log widget datareturn widget.options.choices.filter(choice => choice.correct).map(choice => {let createPar = document.createElement('section');createPar.innerHTML = choice.content;document.getElementById('ansBreak').append(createPar);curAns++;return choice.content;});}return [];});return new Answer(answer, "dropdown");}
its me here uhmm i am working to fix the userscript so it shows it again but i need some more bugs to fix and others after i make this because im using chatgpt and some old userscripts so it may be buggy and im still in school so im going to make a project on this.