Автоматическая подгрузка следующих страниц и вставка их содержимого в текущую страницу. Поддерживает тысячи сайтов даже с настройками по умолчанию.
{ "name":"playstation", "action":1, "css":".psw-visually-hide{opacity:1!important}.pagetual_loading{display:none!important}", "wait":2000, "url":"^https://store\\.playstation\\.com/.*/\\d+$", "pageElement":"ul.psw-grid-list", "nextLinkByUrl":["(.*/)(\\d+)$","$1{$2+1}"] }
Update the script and try this
Let me know if you have any question
customRulesInput.placeholder=`[\n {\n "name":"yande",\n "action":"0",\n "url":"^https:\/\/yande\\.re\/",\n "pageElement":"ul#post-list-posts>li",\n "nextLink":"a.next_page",\n "css":".javascript-hide {display: inline-block !important;}"\n },\n {\n "name":"playstation",\n "action":"1",\n "css":".psw-visually-hide{opacity:1!important}.pagetual_loading{display:none!important}",\n "wait":2000,\n "url":"^https://store\\.playstation\\.com/.*/\\d+$",\n "pageElement":"ul.psw-grid-list",\n "nextLinkByUrl":["(.*/)(\\d+)$","$1{$2+1}"]\n }\n]`;
You should open the config page and paste it to the textarea.
You should open the config page and paste it to the textarea.
Appreciate your script and help. Having issue on playstation.com when scrolling down towards bottom of current page the page will hop/scroll all the way to bottom and loose track of current title I was looking at. I'll have to scroll up and sometimes that triggers the next page load. When you get a chance can you take a look (no rush) thank you
{ "name":"playstation", "action":1, "css":".psw-visually-hide{opacity:1!important}.pagetual_loading{display:none!important}[name='pagetual-iframe']{display:none}", "url":"^https://store\\.playstation\\.com/.*/\\d+$", "pageElement":"ul.psw-grid-list", "wait":2000, "nextLinkByUrl":["(.*/)(\\d+)$","$1{$2+1}"], "pageAction":"[].forEach.call(eles[0].querySelectorAll('[loading=lazy]'),img=>{img.src=img.src.replace('w=54&thumb=true','w=230&thumb=false');img.classList.remove('psw-blur')});" }
Update the script and try this new one
Still seems to be doing same issue and for some reason now when visiting the config page there's no textbox to enter rule
When adding a rule does that just update a online database?
Maybe you visit the config page from other pages of github. I've update a new version for this.
When adding a rule to textarea on config page, the rule will be added to local with highest priority.
Rule from a online database should be updated by click the button with "Updated xxx ago" on config page.
By the way, I've add the rule for playstation to online database. You can just update rules by click if you wish.
伟大的工作! 对不起,英语是我的语言。我想知道你是否可以给我一个例子来制定规则 playstation.com
我已经检查了你的 https://github.com/hoothin/UserScripts/tree/master/Pagetual#rules
并试图比较您的示例 yande.re 但不理解规则。我希望能弄清楚,但我想我会寻求你的帮助,也许学会为自己做另一个。再次感谢