
Автоматическая подгрузка следующих страниц и вставка их содержимого в текущую страницу. Поддерживает тысячи сайтов даже с настройками по умолчанию.

< Обсуждения: Pagetual

Вопрос или комментарий

Great script, but on google videos the next pages load without the video thumbnail

I don't think so.

If you want thumbnail to be moving, you need action:2.

{"name": "Google Search","nextLink": ["id('pnnext')|id('navbar navcnt nav')//td[span]/following-sibling::td[1]/a|id('nn')/parent::a","id('pnprev')|id('navbar navcnt nav')//td[span]/following-sibling::td[1]/a|id('nn')/parent::a"],"pageElement": "id('rso')|id('center_col')/style[contains(.,'relative')][id('rso')]|id('search')/div/div/style[1]","action": 2,"pageNum": "&start={10*($p-1)}","pageBarTop": 55,"url": "^https?://[^./]+\\.google(?:\\.[^./]{2,3}){1,2}/(?:c(?:se|ustom)|search|webhp|m|#)","replaceElement": "[role='navigation']>[role='presentation']","css": "ol>li{display: inline-flex;}inIframe:.minidiv{display:none}"}

wow great that fixed the issue!

Fix the time I ever see a script like this actually load thumbnails!

Best script ever!

I am almost sure that your script is making this weird bug happen sometimes


Создано: 25.06.2023
Изменено: 25.06.2023

If you want to use Pagetual in an incognito tab, you need to delete the css property & id('center_col')/style[contains(.,'relative')]|id('search')/div/div/style[1]. The reason for this is that the css property is preventing it from working properly in incognito mode.

"name": "Google Search",
"nextLink": [
"id('pnnext')|id('navbar navcnt nav')//td[span]/following-sibling::td[1]/a|id('nn')/parent::a",
"id('pnprev')|id('navbar navcnt nav')//td[span]/following-sibling::td[1]/a|id('nn')/parent::a"
"pageElement": "id('rso')|[id('rso')]|",
"action": 2,
"pageNum": "&start={10*($p-1)}",
"pageBarTop": 55,
"url": "^https?://[^./]+\\.google(?:\\.[^./]{2,3}){1,2}/(?:c(?:se|ustom)|search|webhp|m|#)",
"replaceElement": "[role='navigation']>[role='presentation']",
"css": "ol>li{display: inline-flex;}inIframe:.minidiv{display:none}"

Now the images no longer load on the videos tab on google

"pageElement": "id('rso')|[id('rso')]|" this is not a valid xpath, try "id('rso')"

the color bug still happening...

...It's not a bug. Google doesn't enable the dark mode feature in the incognito tab when it's first opened. If you don't want this, simply exit the incognito mode or disable dark mode in chrome.

but like why is only the links on dark mode, and everything else white then?

I'm not sure, but it should appear like this when action:2 is used.

that looks broken, it is hard to see at day and at night, it hurts the eyes any time of the day, cant it be fixed?

Just refresh it initially. Otherwise, you can write a CSS style that enforces the dark mode theme.

yeah, I can do that, but would be better if the script did it itself, I don't really want to waste time making a script to force Google to be dark/white. Someone else might also consider this a bug in the future if I fix it just by myself...

If you want thumbnail to be moving, you need action:2.

{"name": "Google Search","nextLink": ["id('pnnext')|id('navbar navcnt nav')//td[span]/following-sibling::td[1]/a|id('nn')/parent::a","id('pnprev')|id('navbar navcnt nav')//td[span]/following-sibling::td[1]/a|id('nn')/parent::a"],"pageElement": "id('rso')|id('center_col')/style[contains(.,'relative')][id('rso')]|id('search')/div/div/style[1]","action": 2,"pageNum": "&start={10*($p-1)}","pageBarTop": 55,"url": "^https?://[^./]+\\.google(?:\\.[^./]{2,3}){1,2}/(?:c(?:se|ustom)|search|webhp|m|#)","replaceElement": "[role='navigation']>[role='presentation']","css": "ol>li{display: inline-flex;}inIframe:.minidiv{display:none}"}Import

This fix the issue on the desktop version of the page, but on mobile doesn't work, can you please tell me how to change it to make it work?


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