Автоматическая подгрузка следующих страниц и вставка их содержимого в текущую страницу. Поддерживает тысячи сайтов даже с настройками по умолчанию.
{ "name": "Repack-Games - Free Download PC Games", "url": "^https?://repack-games\\.com/", "example": "https://repack-games.com/", "css": "ul.modern-articles{opacity:1}" }
{ "name": "Repack-Games - Free Download PC Games", "url": "^https?://repack-games\\.com/", "example": "https://repack-games.com/", "css": "ul.modern-articles{opacity:1}" }
How to add this to the script?
Sorry IM new here
Click import button located above the code field of rule.
Click import button located above the code field of rule.
Sorry i don't know the locate of import button, but i use the online custom rules and it works
Very good script, but there are some websites that can't be used (the auto pager works but can't display content on the page) like repack-games.com