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< Обсуждения: [TS] Linx Amender
I do not know what Linlify Plus Plus is. Can you give me a link.
Currently for me the update menu works fine.
it doesn't matter - it could be any script - the point is that the TS:LA menu items either select an option for another script, or don't appear to do anything :)
That should be impossible. I only register the function with GM and GM is the one the calls it. So if a wrong menu is being shown it is due to something with GM. Should try it on a clean profile with just LA see if the issue can be reproduced.
this was tested on a fresh profile
1 create an empty profile
2 install: and restart
3 install:
4 install:
5 restart FF - for some reason i did not see the User Script Commands > Configure Linlify Plus Plus menu item was not present until i restarted
6 from GM toolbar icon, click Script Commands > update TS:LA ... the config UI for Linkify opens
should i report at the GM site?
Sorry for late reply.
Tried it on clean and dirty profile and it DOES mess around with the menu selections of GM. That's really should not occur. These should be registered and handled within GM.
I think you should raise the issue with both GM and Linkify. It looks like it is going to be pain to figure this out.
In the meantime you can press F9 to bring up the menu. :(
problem is fixed in GM 3.2 beta1
Thanks for letting me know.
So the issue was with GM :)
yes it was :)
now i feel bad for blaming you, so i must offer a cookie...
lol :)
GM toolbar menu
GM toolbar icon > User Script Commands...
my current items are:
TS:LA update check
Linlify Plus Plus
when i click the update check menu item, the Linlify Plus Plus config options UI opens (or some other UI if LPP were not installed)
when i click the main TS:LA item, nothing happens
all non-TS:LA menu items work as expected
this started happening somewhere around the GM 3.0 beta versions
if you don't have this problem, let me know before you troubleshoot and i'll see if i can find the cause