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YouTube Auto-Liker

Hit Like button if Subbed

< Обсуждения: YouTube Auto-Liker

Отзыв: Хороший — скрипт работает как нужно

Cent Browser
版本 5.0.1002.354 (正式版本) (32 位元) (Chromium 102.0.5005.167)
Chrome 目前是最新版本
版本 120.0.6099.110 (正式版本) (64 位元)

Violentmonkey 2.16.0
live or replay is sub but not Auto-Liker

Works on my end. Sorry.

FireFox + greasemonkey

Posted new version. Give it a shot, should work now.

thanks so much!

YT seems to have been updated, which makes it impossible to like. Will the script be updated?

It appears to be working for me. Are you sure?

Создано: 11.12.2024
Изменено: 11.12.2024

你好,我用Google Chrome
正在更新 Chrome (50%)
版本 131.0.6778.109 (正式版本) (64 位元)
Tests all failed

Cent Browser
版本 5.1.1130.129 (正式版本) (64 位元) (Portable) (Chromium 118.0.5993.159)

It was like this recently
maybe I USE chinese?
for ######

New version. Try again? :)

Создано: 10.01.2025
Изменено: 10.01.2025

I can't....
tampermonkey also

Google Chrome
檢查更新時發生錯誤:無法啟動更新檢查 (錯誤代碼 3: 0X80070422 -- system level)。
版本 131.0.6778.140 (正式版本) (64 位元)
Cent Browser
版本 5.1.1130.129 (正式版本) (64 位元) (Portable) (Chromium 118.0.5993.159)

Is Google Chrome developer mode enabled?


Создано: 11.01.2025
Изменено: 11.01.2025

Chrome 目前是最新版本
版本 131.0.6778.265 (正式版本) (64 位元)

(google translate)
Thanks for the reply, but unfortunately it still failed

I turned on "developer mode" and later found that scripts can only be executed after Chrome is updated to version 265.
At this time, I found that I had not logged into my Google account. After logging in, I successfully clicked the like button once, but later, whether I was broadcasting live or watching ordinary videos, I failed.

I cancelled the like button for the successful video and repeated the test, but it still failed to automatically like. It seems like a misunderstanding...

I had to give up. Maybe it’s a system language problem?
I have found a script that I can use to automatically click the like button.
Thanks for your help

Ah, maybe. English "Subscribe" vs Chinese "订阅"?.

No problem! Happy to help if you change your mind in the future

Создано: 12.01.2025
Изменено: 12.01.2025

Thank you so much!!
I use "Violentmonkey"


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