Инструменты Youtube Все в одном локальном формате. Загрузите MP4, MP3.

Инструменты Youtube Все в одном, локально. Загрузите mp4, MP3

< Обсуждения: Инструменты Youtube Все в одном локальном формате. Загрузите MP4, MP3.

Отзыв: Плохой — скрипт не работает

The downloader is great, but the additional crap it does is super annoying, but you can easily fix it by modifying the script.

Setting the background image for an unloaded video to your github pfp is cringe, but it's quite easy to modify that to whatever image you want, by just changing the image url in the script to whatever.

"Disable subtitles" is a truly pointless "enhancement," you already are able to do this. Toggling it off is the only real thing to do with this setting since having it on makes you have to turn the subtitles off repeatedly: for every single video you watch.

Hello, use only what you need, that's why these are optional operations. I add to the script what the community requests.


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