Development has halted until I have more time. Pixiv uses async page loading, which broke some aspects of this script. Ultimate Pixiv Script: Direct Links, Auto-Paging, Preview, IQDB/Danbooru, Filter/Sort using Bookmark,views,rating,total score. | Safe Search | plus more. Works best with "Pixiv++ Manga Viewer" and "Generic Image Viewer". 自動ページング|ポケベル|ロード次ページ|フィルター|並べ替え|注文|ダイレクトリンク
< Обсуждения: [TS] Pixiv++ V3 alpha
Same here. While the author maybe a little busy nowadays so just wait for some time or use this one https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/24252 for temporary alternative on search page if you can read Chinese.
Same error for me. The error is being thrown:
Error running script: [TS] Pixiv++ V3
TypeError: pageContainer is undefined
pageContainer is undefined
edit: somehow the script works fine in PaleMoon
Yep, script is broken in search for me, too. No page fetching, page links OR direct image links.
However, artist galleries still seem to be using the previous method, so at least it still works there, for now.
Having taken a slightly longer glance at what's going on, here is my HALF-ASSED ANALYSIS:
pageContainer is undefined because its assigned value of containers[0] is, itself, also null.
Looking into this, it seems that the script's getContainers function that should be giving containers its value has nothing to latch onto and return--all of the stuff that this function is supposed to return is based on class names and element types that have all been changed with this new update to Pixiv's search pages.
Pixiv has gone from showing its r###lts like so:
<div class=""> <ul class="_image-items"> <li class="image-item"> <a class="work _work " href="/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=12345678"> <a href="/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=12345678"> <li class="image-item"> <li class="image-item"> <li class="image-item"> (...etc.)
...And now displays them like so:
<section class="column-search-r###lt"> <div id="js-mount-point-search-r###lt-list" data-items="AN INSANELY LARGE AMOUNT OF JSON DATA THAT COMPRISES WHAT APPEARS TO BE POST METADATA FOR EVERY SINGLE IMAGE POST IN THAT PAGE OF R###LTS I DON'T REMEMBER BEING TAUGHT TO DO THIS SORT OF SHIT IN SCHOOL IS THIS WHAT THE KIDS ARE GETTING UP TO WITH THEIR INTERNETS THESE DAYS I DO NOT APPROVE GODDAMN IT LOOKS SPECTACULARLY HIDEOUS"> <div class="_2xrGgcY" data-reactroot=""> <div class="_7IVJuWZ"> <figure class="gmzooM4"> <div class="_1NxDA4N"> <figcaption class="_1-dF98p"> <div class="_7IVJuWZ"> <div class="_7IVJuWZ"> <div class="_7IVJuWZ"> (etc.)
So yeah! Structure changes, randomized(?) code obfuscation, and who knows what else! Thanks, Pixiv Obama.
If there's a silver lining, it's that the hideous mass of freely available JSON data probably tells you almost everything you need to display links.
Sorry for the delayed reply. Thank you for trying to fix it. I am currently very occupied with RL and do not have as much time to work on it.
I took a quick look at it, and on my end everything works fine. It shows next page, and only the bottom pager is hidden. Top pager is visible.
Can you provide an image what the new layout. Everything on my end works fine. It is the same old Pixiv. You might have a test layout on selected users.
Here's mine with script on vs off
Yep, I'm getting exactly what Ignatius is getting, too.
This is happening with both Chrome and Firefox scripts for me.
Same here.
Chrome Canary & Firefox Nightly both using latest Tampermonkey BETA.
Also, maybe about a week ago the sorting was broken if you use it on multiple pages. It was just stuck on "Sorting in progress" without any actual sorting going on. Not sure if this was fixed or not, haven't used pixiv for a while.
Everything was works for me, including sorting. Look at the image below:
I guess they are rolling out the new layout for different people on different times.
Unless someone shares their account with me, you have to wait until it gets rolled out to everyone. I think you guys are the "lucky" few.
Truth I will work on it slowly even if I get an account at the moment.
Yeah it's broken. I will try fix it this weekend. No guarantee that I will.
The script is broken. Pixiv now uses dynamic page loading, and I cannot figure out how to get the pager to work. So the development is halted unless someone knows how to fix it.
I have unlisted the script.
I have provided as simple fix for issue with search. Everything else works (I think). The script does not work with search r###lts.
i guess the change was finalized or at least moved further, since search r###lts still had metadata and previews until earlier today. now there's nothing.
Fetching pages in search stopped working
It appears that Pixiv made some changes in the way it shows search r###lts, so now this script not only doesn't show next pages, but also hides the page selection links