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[TS] Youtube Load More Channel Videos

Auto loads more videos in channel

< Обсуждения: [TS] Youtube Load More Channel Videos

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Создано: 11.07.2017
Изменено: 11.07.2017

New url

https://www.youtube.com/user/(username)/videos is a valid url for channel videos I think you should include it because otherwise the script wont work there. I edited the script myself to test and it works by just adding // @include https://www.youtube.com/user/*/videos

Thank you. I will make a release later today.

I just looked at the script and I have this: // @include https://www.youtube.*/*/Videos* which means that it should already be picked up.

There is no need to add // @include https://www.youtube.com/user/*/videos :smile:

Создано: 15.07.2017
Изменено: 15.07.2017

Well it's not picked up for me. Have you tested?

Ex https://www.youtube.com/user/Checkpointpodcast/videos

It works fine. What broswer and plugin are you using to run the script?

Создано: 16.07.2017
Изменено: 16.07.2017

firefox 55 beta x64 on windows 7 x64 and violentmonkey. It works properly on "normal" pages but it does not work on the pages I mentioned before unless I add the line I mentioned.

Then it is an issue with ViolentMonkey. You should raise it in their feedback.

The asterisk in "@include", implies anything can come afterwards. If it was @match that would be a different case. It works fine in TamperMonkey and GreaseMonkey.

More information on it here:

This is the expected r###lt. If it fails in VM, then the issue is with VM.

I tried to install the script on VM + FF 54.0.1 but it wouldn't download the dependencies. Messed around with it but failed to install. Not sure why.

Then it is an issue with ViolentMonkey. You should raise it in their feedback.

The asterisk in "@include", implies anything can come afterwards. If it was @match that would be a different case. It works fine in TamperMonkey and GreaseMonkey.

More information on it here:

This is the expected r###lt. If it fails in VM, then the issue is with VM.

I tried to install the script on VM + FF 54.0.1 but it wouldn't download the dependencies. Messed around with it but failed to install. Not sure why.


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