Множество улучшений для нового интерфейса reddit.com, таких как развернутые кнопки лент, увеличенный шрифт, увеличение изображений без редиректа и много другое...
I can't reproduce that. If you provide more details (like script related error messages) that's will be good.
There was no error message. Here's how it looks: https://youtu.be/o3GSpob_aeo
Thanks for the demonstration. I tried reproduce your case with dark theme/width of screen/chrome, but it still work. I really have no idea why it happens. I guess it may be related with other scripts or extesions. You can try detect that by disabling all and begin enable step by step.
Tampermonkey was the problem. I deleted it an re-installed it and the problem was gone. Before that I tried to fix it by disabling every script & extension. I even cleared the cache. But it really was Tampermonkey.
Thanks for responding and trying to help.
I was able to reproduce this, I created a fix for it and another fix for an infinite rendering loop with this link: https://www.reddit.com/r/notinteresting/comments/1dgmj62/comment/lpavx7j/?context=3?sort=new
The PR: https://github.com/lnm95/redditPlusPlus/pull/2
There's a lil bug. When you're browsing popular and click on a post (to read the comments) you can't go back by clicking the left arrow in the top left of the browser.